Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Tribulation Evangelistic Service

There’s a great evangelistic service looming on the distant horizon that will make all other services pale in comparison. The evangelists will be chosen by God, and they must meet certain qualifications. One, they must be Jewish. Two, these evangelists will be sexually pure, and three, this special group will not have ever told a lie.

The evangelists are sent into horrific world conditions, but their gospel is believed. From this service will come a number of saved people so vast that one can not count them. The saved will be from every country, every tribe, every nation and every language.

Odd that the saved will nearly all forfeit their lives because of their acceptance of Jesus as Savior and Lord. It costs you nothing. These new converts will make a decision to give up physical life for eternal life. In reality you and I do the same.

This will be some  kind of service to watch, and you will be seeing it from a different vantage point and perspective—from heaven. I can’t wait to see this take place.

You can read more about this at under my name. As always if you have questions or comments, please post them here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Rufus: The Red-Haired Master Shepherd

B. C. Ministries just released a new book. The title is The Red-Haired Master Shepherd. It is a fictional account of a Biblical character, Rufus, who is mentioned only twice in the New Testament.
Is it possible that the two mentions of a man named Rufus is the same person? We have taken the stance that it is. There is even some archaeological evidence that could bear significance to the answer.
Paul mentions Rufus and his mother at the end of the book of Romans. Therefore, Paul knew Rufus and his family.
Follow Rufus journey from a simple shepherd boy in Cyrene to a shepherd of Jesus' early church in Jerusalem and Rome. Rufus meets Jesus in Jerusalem during Christ's passion week. Rufus is never the same after his encounter with the Master. Actually, neither is anyone else!
You can order the book from this page. Simply email us and ask for your copy. You can even get a copy for free by recommending the book to five others who send for their copy.
As always, you may leave comments and questions for us.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Significance of the Scroll in Revelation 5

Revelation 5 depicts a scroll, but does not offer any significance for it. Since John is still on earth and is only seeing the scroll in a vision, he becomes sorely distraught when no one in heaven, earth or under the earth can open the seals on the scroll.

Perhaps, John’s reaction gives you a clue as to the significance of the scroll in Revelation chapter 5. Could it be that the scroll is the title deed to the earth that Adam gave to Satan when he rebelled in the Garden? Since no one could open the seals on the title deed, John became distraught because the earth would always belong to Satan.

Without the scroll’s being opened, the battle for earth’s supremacy could never begin. The breaking of the seals begins the last seven years of tribulation of the earth. In order for Jesus to return and take ownership for the planet that is rightfully his, the seals must be broken.

Therefore, it is believed that the significance of the scroll in Revelation 5 is because it contains the title deed to Christ’s earth. Without being able to break the seals, the title to the earth could never be obtained.

As always if you have questions or comments, please post them. We will respond to them.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Could Christ Return in 2012

2012 has begun which means you are one day closer to the return of Christ. His return could happen in eleven months, one year as the year ends or not at all. Either way you are closer to Christ’s return than you were in 2011.

Does the prospect excite you or make you sad? You do know that Jesus is coming. I wish I could give you an exact date, but Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows. . .” (Matthew 24:36a).

If Jesus tells you that even the angels in heaven do not know when He is coming back, then trying to predict when Jesus returns would be committing intellectual suicide. I do not believe that I or any person alive on the planet today can tell you when Jesus will come back.

However, I know He is coming back. Even our modern day scientists tell you that the world can not withstand the thrust of the population that currently inhabits it, and that all signs point to a time real soon that we are nearing the earth’s physical end.

Could 2012 be the year that Christ will return? No one can tell you for sure, but what if it is? Are you ready? Will His return find you meeting Him in the air for an eternal celebration, or will you be left behind here on earth to face heartbreaks, tribulations that have never been known on earth before and a one-world government rule by the adversary, Satan?

Please leave questions or comments. We will get respond to them.