Monday, December 30, 2019

For Freedom You Have Been Set Free


Almost daily I thank God for my freedom in Christ. Paul writes in Galatians 5:1, “For freedom, Christ set us free. So stand firm and don’t submit again to the yoke of slavery.”

The church at Galatia had experienced an influx of Biblical teachers who associated themselves with the Jewish Law. Paul addresses his church, which he had birthed, regarding the issue of the Law.
He tells them that Christ died to set them free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). The old Law allowed Satan to bring sin into a person’s life (Romans 5:20).

Therefore, Paul tells his church at Galatia, “Don’t wear the yoke of slavery because Christ died to free you from the Law.”

Most believers fail to see that Christ gave his followers two new commandments, “And his commandment is this: we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another just as he commanded us” (1 John 3:23).

How did Jesus command us to love one another. “ I give you a new commandment love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34).

Herein lies your freedom from the Jewish Law and Pharisaical teaching. If you love others as Jesus loved them, you are totally free from the Law.

You can’t love (agape or unconditional love) your neighbor and:
·         Murder
·         Hate
·         Steal
·         Envy
·         Covet
·         Use
·         Dislike the color of his/her skin

If you truly keep Jesus’ two new commands:
1.       Believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ
2.       Love, serve unconditionally, one another
You will keep all the Ten Commandments and the Jewish Law.
It’s true! “For freedom, Christ set you free. . .”

Don't know where you are in your walk, but if you have questions about your freedom, leave them or any comments in the "comment section."



PS: A complete study on your freedom through rest can be had from B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Isaiah 9--The Government of the Son

Whenever you consider Isaiah 9, you usually think about the government of a small child. Since Christmas 2019 just passed, the birth of this small ruler is announced long before he came to earth. In a time of deep darkness and despair from the previous chapter of Isaiah, the whole world is offered light to overcome the darkness.

Time of Darkness and Despair

Here in Isaiah 9:1, darkness and despair represents a time in history for man when no hope existed. Not much hope existed for the Gentiles at all. The Jews had been chosen as God's people. God married them at Mount Sinai in Exodus 19-20. Therefore, their spiritual cause, for the moment, was resolved. Yet, their physical problems of unrest and takeover by the enemy was a real and present danger.

Yes, God's plan was for the Jews to take his marriage of faith and repentance to the Gentiles, too. However, their feelings of superiority got into the way. Few Gentiles were offered the spiritual blessings of hope in the life after death message that could ex spell their darkness.

An End to the Darkness

Because of the lack of a spiritual savior, spiritual darkness dwelt in the lands of the Gentiles. Yet, Isaiah sees a time when an end to the darkness and despair for them would take place. Isaiah was shown that a time was coming when spiritual light would come to the Gentile nations.

Although it is entirely possibly that Isaiah didn't understand a word he wrote. Yet in this ninth chapter, Isaiah writes about the Messiah as he does throughout his entire book.

Yet for all Isaiah's revelation into the Messiah, Peter writes, "As to this salvation, the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come to you made careful searches and inquiries, seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating as he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven--things into which angels long to look" (1:10-12).

The prophets longed to know to what extent their prophesies would come to pass and when. The Spirit within them assured that they were writing correctly. However, they didn't recognize exactly who the person of Christ would be.

Zebulun and Naphtali

Following God's lead through the Holy Spirit's input, Isaiah uses Zebulun and Naphtali, the closest and most exposed tribes on the route the enemy would take into Israel. Even in the time of their darkness and despair, the hope of salvation through grace is promised.

Isaiah and other prophets existed during this time of darkness and despair bringing light and hope to the peoples. One is coming who will walk even in the lands of Galilee to bring a gospel of peace. He would bring light into a dark and dying world. He would bring hope to the Jews and especially to the Gentiles. Light always overcomes or expels darkness (John 1:5).

Because Jesus would walk and minister along this very road, the land would be filled with glory. A great light of spiritual truth would be seen in this region and beyond (Isaiah 9:2). Much of Jesus' ministry was done in Galilee. His ministry indeed let light shine into a dark world.

God's Glory

Whenever God's glory appears, there is abundant light. Isaiah says that the road, which runs between the Jordan and the sea, will be filled with God's glory. He follows this statement with, the people who walk in darkness will see a great light.

This light will be available to every person especially the one who walks in the darkest moment of his life. Deep darkness could refer to those who think they need no light. Jesus said of the Pharisees, ". . .If you were blind, you would nave no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains" (John 9:41b).
Those who believe they see the light but do not are only fooling themselves. It is they who need the light, too!

Then in verse 4, God changes his message. He begins to focus on the person of the light rather than the light. Since they are one and the same, there's no problem doing this. God says, "You will enlarge Israel" (Isaiah 9:4).

Promise of Enlargement

Because of the light the person in Isaiah's message would bring, Israel would no longer be small. Their land area would remain the same size; however, their population would increase. Paul writes, "And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to the promise"(Galatians 3:29).

Isaiah didn't know about this coming person "on whose shoulders the government would rest" (9:6b). Isaiah was told, "his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" (verse 6).

Even if Isaiah didn't know who or when, his faith in God told him that light would come. That the deep darkness would be penetrated by this light.

Government of His People

The light would become the person on whom the government of his people would rest. Isaiah was given several names for the light. He longed to know who the light was, so he would keep watching for the perfect governor to run the perfect government that lit up the darkness of the world.

I'm here to help. If you have questions or comments, please let me know. I'll get back really soon.



PS: A complete study on Isaiah is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Seventh Bowl Judgment -- Armageddon

Before the seventh bowl judgment is poured, you have the battle that ends war on earth for 1000 years. The Battle of Armageddon is actually a campaign that begins in Bozrah, Isaiah 34:6, "The sword of the Lord is filled with blood, it is sated with fat, with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of kidneys of rams. For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah and a great slaughter in the land of Edom."

Then in Isaiah 63:1 Isaiah writes, "Who is this who comes from Edom, with garments of glowing colors from Bozrah. This one who is majestic in His apparel, marching in the greatness of His strength? "It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save."


When the sixth angle poured out his bowl onto the earth, the great river, the Euphrates was dried up. The river bed made a roadway for the kings of the east to come against Israel. This army is two-hundred million strong. One of the largest armies ever assembled on earth.

According to Zachariah 14, this army is coming against a small group of Jews who have managed to live through the Tribulation Period. The campaign starts at Bozrah as mentioned above. It ends with the Jews backed up against the Mount of Olives. They are trapped with no way of escape.

The cry out to God to save them, and as Luke writes in Acts, "He who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved," (2:21).

Hosea 5:15 tells you this is going to happen, "I will go away and return to My place until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me."

Even in the Old Testament, Jesus tells the Jews that they will earnestly seek Him for salvation. When the vast army comes against them, they cry out to Jesus. The mountain behind them splits in two from the North to the South, and the Jews flee from the vast army.

Jesus shows up at this time, and the enemy is defeated with the "breath of his mouth and the brightness of his coming (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

Prior to all this taking place, the unholy trinity: Satan, the anti-christ and the false prophet all produce demons from their mouths. Did they speak them into existence? I don't really know. Perhaps! Nonetheless, they produce demons who convince the vast army to march on Israel. They do this by producing signs and wonders that persuade the countries to come against God in Israel in the valley of Har-Magedo..

Seventh Bowl Poured

After this battle which won't be too much of a battle--the good guys show up and the enemy is destroyed--the seventh angel pours out his bowl upon the air. At this time a loud voice from the Temple in heaven says, "It is done."

Isn't it interesting that the phrase from the Temple reminds you of Jesus' last words on the cross, "It is finished." (John 19:30).

Great flashes of lightening, peals of thunder and a great earthquake occurs. The earthquake was the most powerful one ever! Jerusalem was split into three parts, and cities of the Gentiles fell, Babylon being one of these fallen cities.

Think about the skyscrapers in the major cities of the world falling. The quake is so powerful that the islands flee, mountains fell and couldn't be found and valleys filled so that all that remained was a flat plain. At this time, scientists predict that the islands will come together to form one land mass.

While all this is taking place, hail stones fall from heaven that weigh 100 pounds. Imagine one of those objects hitting you on the head. It would be all over for you. Regarding this, there is an interesting scripture way back in Job 28:32-33, "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of distress, for the day of war and battle?"

God asks Job these questions. God is trying to have Job see that the world doesn't revolve around Job. There is a mightier God than man. This God has stored up ice and snow to use in the day of battle and war. God uses this store of ammunition during the battle of Armageddon

The Final Battle Is Over

Yes, God is amazing! He has it all figured out. He is sovereign. He never sleeps, nor is He ever caught off guard. He knows the end is near, and he knows how the end will be. He wins!

Are you ready to win with him? Please join the winning team before it is eternally too late.
I am here to help. If you have questions or comments please list them in the comments section. I will get back really soon. Email us to sign up for our newsletter explaining the books we have published.



PS: A complete study on Revelation and the judgments is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Truth of the First Six Bowl Judgments of Revelation

First Bowl Poured

In Revelation 16:2, the first angel receives his directions from the heavenly temple to pour out his bowl on the earth. When he does, malignant sores break out on those who have received the mark of the beast.

Again, notice who is in charge! The order to inflict punishment comes from the temple in heaven. God was, is and forever will be sovereign. The punishment has directives with it. Only inflict pain on those who have decided to follow the enemy.

One possible cause of the sores comes from the fact that the sun, our closest star, has begun to novae. When it does,

The seven angels who will administer the bowl judgments of Revelation come out of the temple (15:6), These angels are clothed as the priests under the Levitical system of worship:
   white linen
   golden sashes

The priests of the earthly tabernacle dressed the same. Although the angels were pure and holy, the priests represented these characteristics to the people.

An important thing to remember, too, is that the priests also acted as judges. The Angels from the heavenly temple are bringing judgment on the earth and Satan's kingdom. They are the final elements of judgment that will complete Jesus' last words on the cross, "It is finished."

After the first angel comes out of the heavenly temple, God's glory so fills the place that no one can enter the temple until the bowl judgments are complete. Let's get right into these powerful, enemy's power ending judgments.

Revelation Chapter 16

This chapter reveals the extent of misery which can be experienced in this world.

  Governments can’t survive or save its populace from God’s judgment.

  There is a penalty for sin.
This concluding book brings the world to battle with justice and with Jesus.
  Humanity’s works can’t resist the power of the Lamb of God.
  The Man, whom the world considers to be Casper Milk Toast, defeats
            all the power from the largest military force in history, i.e. 200,000,000.
The campaign of Armageddon, starting at Bozra (Isaiah 34:6; 63:1; Jeremiah 49:13;
            Amos 1:12) and ending in Jerusalem, won’t be much of a contest.
  It was settled at the cross (2 Thessalonians 2:8).
  Evil can’t possibly sustain any measure of force against our Lord and Savior.
  “Gee Mugsy, the cops show up and the bad guys run off.”
This is an awesome and terrifying chapter.
I’m glad that I’m not going to be there to witness the events, at least not in my
            Human body.

First Bowl Poured
In Revelation 16:2, the first angel receives his directions from the heavenly temple to pour out his bowl on the earth. When he does, malignant sores break out on those who have received the mark of the beast.

Again, notice who is in charge! The order to inflict punishment comes from the temple in heaven. God was, is and forever will be sovereign. The punishment has directives with it. Only inflict pain on those who have decided to follow the enemy.

One possible cause of the sores comes from the fact that the sun, our closest star, has begun to novae. Although scientists say it is impossible for the sun to novae, Isaiah 24:6 says, “The sun shines with the brightness of 7 days. Jesus says, “the star will fall from heaven and the sun and moon will not give their light,” (Matthew 24).

When it does, the gamma rays would cause tremendous sores and skin cancers in a very short period of time.

Second Bowl Poured

The second bowl is poured into the sea. Which sea? The Mediterranean? The Sea of Galilee? Or  all the oceans?
Whatever “sea” the bowl is poured on, life in it is destroyed. This would cause much devastation from the smell and disease it would cause.

Third Bowl Poured

The second bowl was poured on the salt waters. Now the third bowl has the distinction of being poured on the fresh waters. The rivers and springs became blood. Once again, does this happen to the fresh waters of the whole world or the world that John knows?
I believe it to be the waters of the world. The reason is that God is about to reclaim his creation. The end is insight. Jesus is about to return. The end is in sight. The world as we know it will change tremendously. God is reclaiming his creation.
We find here as well that the rivers have an angel over them. This angel extols God’s righteousness for this destruction. The angel declares that his punishment of the nations is justified because they “poured out the blood of the saint and prophets,” (16:6).

Fourth Bowl Poured

The fourth bowl is poured on the sun. The sun scorched men with fire. Instead of recognizing that God is the one to be praised and a shield in time of distress, the humans affected by the fierce heat blasphemed the name of God.
They recognize his power, but they deny his ability to save them. Does this passage say anything about those who wait until they are about to die before they confess Jesus? Waiting may not bring you the opportunity to repent. These individuals were suffering such intense pain that asking God to save them was a total foreign thought.

Fifth Bowl Poured

The fifth bowl was poured on the kingdom of the Anti-christ, the beast. Suddenly, the lights go out as Jesus said they would in Matthew 24, “The sun and moon will not give their light, and the stars will fall from heaven.” There was great pain from the cancerous sores, the darkness so real you could feel it and no way to do work. The kingdoms of the world are soon to become the kingdoms of our God.

Sixth Bowl Poured

The sixth bowl was poured on the Euphrates River. The purpose of drying up this river allowed the vast army to come against Jerusalem and the small remnant of Jews found there. These Jews are the last on earth. Soon they will be annihilated by this vast army. That is unless someone or something intervenes.
Do you find it odd that the very area where life began, where the Tower of Babble was erected. The area where the Garden of Eden existed has now become a highway by which the army gathered by Satan will come to destroy all of the Jews.
However, God has a plan. A little know scripture exists in Hosea 5:15, “I will go to my place, and they in their desperation will earnestly seek me.” This small remnant will look into the face of certain destruction and an eternity spent in hell. They will recognize their plight and call out to God for salvation. At the very moment, “all of the Jews will be saved,” (1 Corinthians 11:  ).

The First Six Bowl Judgments

In the bowl judgments we have witnessed:
   Malignant sores
   Sea becomes blood
   Fresh waters turned to blood
   Sun scorches humans
   Heavenly lights turned out
   Euprates River becomes a highway

The seventh and final bowl isn’t poured out until the battle of Armageddon takes place. We will look at that judgment in our next post.

I am here to help. If you have questions or comments please list them in the comments section.



PS: A complete study on Revelation and the judgments is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Preparation of the Bowl Judgments--The Truth of John's Revelation

Short Introduction

The bowl judgments of John's revelation are the last judgments of the book. The judgments take place in chapters 15 and 16 of this magnificent book. They are severe, and these judgments may cause you to doubt God's grace and mercy.

To get a detailed copy of the judgments and look at them side by side, you can get a free copy here.

This post is a preliminary to the final judgments which will be dealt with later. However, there must be some explanation to the events leading up to the pouring out of the first bowl on earth.

God says that man thinks in strange ways compared to him. Isaiah 55 tells us that God's ways and thoughts are higher than man's. Therefore, man has trouble understanding God's sovereignty.

God has given man centuries to come to him for forgiveness, offers a solid, no nonsense plan of action and paid a horrendous price. Now, time has run out for many. Revelation chapter 15 reveals God's attitude toward sin. He hates it!

God is holy! He can't sin nor can he be around sin. If he is going to be the God who walks with and in his creation as he did in the Garden of Eden, he must rid his creation of sin.

The ironic thing is that Satan once was created a Cherub (Ezekiel 28:14). His job was to be sure that no unholiness ever came close to God. Yes, this little known fact is amazing!

God’s righteous self demands righteousness, Romans 3:24-26, to the point that He gave Jesus as a propitiation so God could become the just or the right. So God uses these eight verses of Chapter 15 to prove His justness in completing the rest of the purification of the peoples of the earth.

There are seven judgments left, the bowls or vials. It’s nearly over!

A Scene in Heaven

Let's begin by taking a look at what John sees in heaven. He again sees seven angels who have seven plagues. When these seven angels are through, God's wrath is finished.

The final phrase of verse 1 reads, . . .the wrath of God is finished. Are there other places in the Bible where we have it is finished. In Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, i.e. finished. Also, Jesus said on the cross, John 9:30b, . . .It is finished!

From God’s standpoint, this moment was finished before the foundation of the world.

Seven angels have the seven last plagues. Anti-christ will have no other authority. The plagues will come from heaven.

Remember, it was seven angels who brought the seven messages to the churches, too. The events take place in heaven. They are marvelous, too.

John then reports that he sees a sea of glass mixed with fire. He sees the saints who have come out of the great tribulation (Revelation 7) standing on this sea. They have been given harps from the Lord God.

The Sea

What might all this mean? The "sea" represents calmness. This calm appears in great contrast to the calamity about to fall on the earth.

The believers killed in the tribulation period are in the calmness of the Lord. We’ve met them before in chapter 7.   they are given harps. They have become part of the heavenly choir. They are in the perfect peace of His presence. These saints are about to witness the perseverance of their faith.

Is their peace the same peace available today? It is. John 14:27, Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Yes the scene represents calmness, but it could also represent the church at rest. Or the calmness could represent God’s living word. Nonetheless, these saints have the victory that overcomes the world.

Sing or Say

Because of the security they have found in heaven, look at what they do from verse three, And they sang the song of Moses, the bond-servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,
          Great and marvelous are Your works,
         O Lord God, the Almighty;
         Righteous and true are Your ways,
         King of the nations! 

Notice the translation, “they sang” and then at the end it says “saying,” which is correct? Most often when we translate “sing” from heavenly hosts, the real Hebrew or Greek is “say.”

Angels never sing. However, can people in heaven sin?. Since we have tribulation saints pictured here, they could be singing or they could be saying. The song of Moses that they sang is recorded in Exodus 15:1-21.

Although John writes that they sang the song of Moses, they didn't sing Moses' song verbatim (Exodus 15:1-21). However, the contextual meaning of Moses' song is found in John's heavenly choir's rendition.

The basic idea is that God Triumphs over the enemies of his servants. God's protection worked for Moses, and that same shield works for these tribulation saints. Either way, the song is a victory song!

These saints have overcome the enemy even though the with their victory was to forfeit their physical lives. God's peace for you comes from your knowing that even in death, you live in perfect peace and absolute victory.

John Pictures King Jesus

Then John praises God for his holiness and his righteous acts (v 4). When you view the destruction of the 21 judgments of God, do you see them as holy or righteous? Only by your faith in the true words of God can you see his acts as righteous.

Following the rapture of the church, Jesus' next acts that are faithful and true represent the promises of God to destroy the works of Satan. Because Satan's works are in his kingdom, the earth, humans who live and worship in Satan's kingdom will be destroyed with Satan.

There's no fear in Christ's kingdom. The church is safely removed, the tribulation saints are in heaven and the havoc reeked on the earth destroy's Satan and his kingdom.

Temple in Heaven Opened

The preparations are nearly over, and the first bowl judgment is impending. First, however, John sees the temple in heaven opened and the Tabernacle of testimony was visible.

We think of the temple as a place of worship. It is true that judgment takes place in the temple as well. We are about to see judgment begin following the praise and worship session of the tribulation saints in heaven.

The writer of Hebrews writes about this tabernacle, the one not made by human hands (9:11).

John begins verse 5 with, "After these things. . ." What things?
   The praise and worship of the tribulation saints
   The song of Moses is finished
   The temple in heaven is opened and the Ark of the Testimony is shown

Remember that the Ark made by human hands resided in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and in Solomon's Temple. No one could go into this sacred place except the High Priest, and he could enter only one time each year.

Now, in heaven the Holy of Holies is open to all. Even John could see into it. We have direct access to God through the blood of Jesus. However, no one will be able to enter the heavenly Temple until after the seven last plagues are dispensed on earth.

The Stage Is Set

The heavenly militia is ready to aim and fire. In the next chapter, 16, of Revelation, the first 12 verses are given to the first 6 bowl judgments. That will be the topic of our next post. We will look at the wrath of God poured out in the bowl judgments.

I am here to help or answer questions. Please leave your questions or comments in the comment section provided.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Final Trumpet Sound--The Seventh Trumpet--Revelation--Part 4

We've reached the last Trumpet Judgment, the seventh. There has been massive destruction on the earth as God poured out his wrath with each trumpet blast. The Seventh Trumpet Judgment prepares the way for Christ to return.

Although there remain seven more judgments, the bowl judgments, John tells us that the real rider on the white horse is coming, and he shall reign forever and ever. I believe you can conclude from John's ending that the trumpet judgments and the bowl judgments run concurrently or really close together in order for the end to come when they finish.

Let's look at when the last trumpet sounds.

You learned from the Sixth Trumpet Judgment the major causes for these horrendous judgments:
    Man made goods
are a few of the things that has brought on the wrath of God. However, God's time clock ran down. It is time for him to reclaim his creation and his chosen family. Let's see what takes place next.

The Seventh Trumpet Sounds

When the seventh trumpet sounds, you find that you are at the end of the tribulation period. The tribulation is over, and Jesus is ready to make his second appearance on earth.

You might say, "Well, what about his appearing for the rapture. Wasn't that his second coming?"

It was for the church; however, it wasn't an earthly touchdown. The church rose to meet him in the air:
    dead arose first
    those believers and followers of Jesus who are still alive left second
However, Jesus waited for them above. He didn't come back to earth, and he doesn't return to planet earth until the seventh trumpet and the seventh bowl judgments take place.

Let's look at the details of this last trumpet judgment.

When the last trumpet sounds, John hears loud voices in heaven claiming, "It is over!"

God's kingdom has come and will last forever and ever (Revelation 10:15). It is at this time that the real rider on the white horse shows up.

"But wait!" You say. "There's still seven bowl judgments left. It isn't time for Jesus to return!"

I believe that the events of the Seal Judgments, the Trumpet Judgments and the Bowl Judgments happen so closely together that John puts them in a semblance of order; yet, all the while the judgments are running almost simultaneously. John simply can't write them as fast as they are happening. Remember, most of these judgments take place over a three-and-one-half year period.

The end that is shown here is nearly the same as the end that is shown in Revelation 19. Christ returns to earth to save God's chosen people, the Jews. Who, by the way, are up against it. An army of two hundred million are after only a small number of defenseless Jews backed up against the Mount of Olives (Zachariah 14).

There's a huge praise and worship session that breaks out  in heaven when those there observe the end. the twenty-four elders of verse 18 represent saints from both dispensations, 12 elders of the Old Testament believers and 12 elders for the New Testament believers. These saints in heaven praise God because with his great power he begins to reign and judge. He brings judgment on those who have destroyed the earth with their worship of other gods:
    Never accepting God's grace
    Don't know Jesus
These are only a few things that came in the way of these unbelievers.

The Results

In the temple in heaven God reveals to John the real Ark of the Covenant. Remember that God told Moses to make the Ark of the Covenant exactly as he saw the Ark in heaven. God showed Moses a pattern that he wanted Moses to build (Exodus 25:9; Acts 7:44).

The ark represented God's covenant(s) with humans:
    The Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12-15).
    The Palestinian Covenant (Exodus 19-20).
    The New Covenant through Jesus (Luke 22:20).
    The Eternal Order covenant (Revelation 19-22).
These covenants were unconditional covenants. The covenants were made with his people, the Jews and the Church. Notice that the law isn't one of the covenants mentioned. The law served its purpose for a period of time. Also, the law was a conditional covenant, and then a new, unconditional covenant was made through Jesus.

Notice that the Seventh Trumpet Judgment brings a great earthquake and hailstones. There's a really neat scripture stored away in the book of Job that says, "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of distress, for the day of war and battle?" (38:22-23).

Also, huge hailstones fall from the sky as the hail fell in Egypt when Moses went to rescue the people from slavery. The hailstones weighed up to 100 pounds. Imagine one of those hitting you on the head.

Zachariah describes the earthquake in his book, 14:4. The Mount of Olives will be split so that God's remnant of Jews can escape the huge army that tries to annihilate them.

All the Seal and Trumpet Judgments

We've looked at all the seven seal and seven trumpet judgments. The study has taken place over the last blog entries.

Soon we will finish all the judgments by looking at the final seven judgments, the Bowl Judgments.

I'm here to help. If you have questions or comments, please leave them below. I'll get back soon.



PS: A complete study on Revelation and the judgments is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel has been published. You can get your copy here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Drugs--Sixth Trumpet Judgments--Revelation Part 3

Have you ever considered that drug abuse will play a major role in the sixth and seventh trumpet judgments of Revelation? In reality, chemical abuse plays a major role in the last part of the book of revelation. Let's look at how and why!

The Sixth Trumpet Sounds

In the ninth chapter of Revelation starting at verse 13, the sixth trumpet sounds. For a little bit, John hears a voice coming from the horns of the golden altar in heaven. Some may think it strange that judgment comes and is linked to God's system of atonement. The Golden Altar was cleansed by the blood of Jesus. I think the incident warns us that there's great danger in refusing the teachings of Jesus, C.F. Hebrews 10:28,29.

The voice from the golden altar says, "Release the four angels bound at the Euphrates River. These were fallen angels who fell with Satan, Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:12b-17a. They have been bound for the purpose of destruction which they will perform shortly.

Their purpose was to destroy one-third of humanity--over one-billion people at today's count and an estimated count of the destruction from the previous judgments! These four angels wreak havoc with the residents of the earth. God is reclaiming his earth and the country we know today as Israel.

Army Comes Against Israel

The sound of the sixth trumpet brings an army from all nations against Israel. The army is huge, two hundred million according to John's account 9:16. The world has always hated Israel. This army destroys everything in its path as it marches towards its destination.

It is interesting to note that the sixth angel poured out his vial on the Euphrates River to dry it up. The army from the east could use the river bed for a roadway to come against Israel (Revelation 16:12). We're talking about the same army and the same purpose--destroy the Jews.

John describes the horses of this vast army with "heads of lions with fire and smoke and brimstone coming out of their mouths." Could he be describing tanks? Remember, he is looking from a position of at least two-thousand years into the future. The only thing he knows that runs into battle that people ride on are horses. John also describes these horses as indestructible. It's hard to destroy a tank without proper weapons.

The destruction brought about by this vase army came from the three things that came from the mouths of the horses:
   brimstone = gasses

The destruction is horrendous! One-third of the remaining human population destroyed!


Even though all the destruction goes on, John writes that those who aren't killed do not repent of their evil deeds which John describes in verse 20:
    worship demons
    the ability to manufacture their goods
    idols of gold, silver, brass, stone and wood
    fornication = sexual orgies

In the face of near annihilation, the world population has been reduced from 7 billion to somewhere near one billion, those left have extremely hard hearts. They simply won't give up and repent.

One thing that helps those who remain keep their inabilities to repent is their use of drugs. The word "sorcery" used in verse 20 in Greek is pharmakia. Our English word, "pharmacy" comes from this Greek word. Therefore, one thing this generation won't repent of or give up is their enchantments brought on by the use, sale and manufacture (works of their hands) of drugs.

We know today that chemical abuse is rampant; however, there will be no comparison from today to then. If you look at the above lists of things the world was doing, all of them are related to enchantment with drug abuse, i.e. murder, idol worship, making drugs, murder, and sexual orgies.

What's the connection? Those who abuse chemicals:
    can't make quality decisions
    drug abuse keeps one away from the truth or reality
    loss of inhibitions

In Revelation 18:21:23 the question is asked how the religious, political and economic system of the Anti-christ called Babylon was able to deceive the whole world? The answer comes in verse 23, "For by their sorceries were all nations deceived."

The use of drugs to cause magic spells and enchantments kept the whole world deceived. Drugs, natural and manufactured, will help in the overtaking the world by the Anti-christ. The same will lead to the system's crash, too.

Putting It Together

Do you find it hard to imagine how chemical abuse plays right into the hands of one who seeks to rule the whole world. The Anti-christ whom we saw come onto the world scene in Chapter 5, rides into the world on a white horse looking like a conquering hero. He comes to make war. He has a bow but no arrows.

His weapon of choice turns out to be drugs. With his drugs and the enchantment of their properties, he is able to deceive the whole world into believing that his political, religious and economic system can save the world.

However his choices play into the hands of God and his plans of reclamation to the title deed of the earth.

The stage is set for the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet Judgment, which we will study in our next blog entry.

If you have questions or comments, I'm here to help. Leave yours below. I'll get back really soon.



PS: a complete study of Revelation is available. Email us.

PSS: my first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, is available on Amazon. Go to their books and search for it by name.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Explained, The Fifth Trumpet Judgment--Revelation Part 2

As we explain the next trumpet judgment, the fifth one sounded of Revelation, you find many and varied discoveries about God's wrath towards disobedience. In our next post you will discover how the use of chemicals, a problem that is of epidemic proportions in the world today, will be even worse during the tribulation period. Watch for our next post! 

God can't sin! Therefore, he truly hates sin. That's why he gives mankind so many opportunities to believe in his Son so their sin nature and their sins can be removed.

As we begin our study today, we will begin with the fifth trumpet blast.

Fifth Trumpet

You find the fifth trumpet blast in Revelation 9. When it sounds, a star falls from heaven. To this "star" is given the key to the "bottomless pit."

Your first question might be, "Who has the key?" Acts 1:18 says, "I am he who was dead, but now am alive, and I have the key to death and hell."

Then you may wonder, "Who or what was the star?" Many believe the star to be the devil, himself, verse 11. If we look at the Greek tense of the verb "fall" used here, we find the verb is past tense not present. Notice also that the key was given to "him." Therefore, the star is identified as male and has human characteristics to be called him.

Bottomless Pit Opened

"He" or the star opened the pit, and smoke went up from the pit. Much smoke as though from a great furnace. Pollution! You bet. Environmentalists need to get saved!

Although John describes this huge cloud as smoke, these were demons. So many of them that John first saw them as smoke from a furnace. Can you imagine how happy these demons are to be released. They've been bound for ages and ages. Now they are free to do their destruction and perform their heinous crimes on humanity.

John describes these demon beings as "locusts." When locusts swarmed over the land, they came in hordes. I think that is what John is describing, the vast numbers of these demons, rather than the size.

Clarifying Element for Revelation

An important thing to remember about Revelation is that it's author, John, views events that happen way in the future. He lives in the first century AD, but he sees events that take place many thousands of years later.

John relates future events in terms of his day and his experiences. Remember, too, John wasn't an educated man. He was a fisherman. His experiences would have been limited. When he describes the demons as "locusts," it had to be his first impression of the hordes he saw. The literal description that John gives of these demons do not represent locusts at all.

Description of the Locusts

The power of these demons was in their tail or sting as scorpions have power. Many believe these demons are part of the fallen angels that fell with Satan, Genesis 6:1-3; 1 Peter 3:18-20; 2-4; Jude 6. 

Even though recently released from the abysmal confinement, these demons have restrictions placed on them. They can only torment unbelievers, they can't hurt the grass or green thing and they can't kill anyone. Regardless of what has been created, God has control over it. Everything of course except mankind. He gives all a choice.

The shapes and identities of the locusts are interesting.

  1. They were like horses.
    represents speed
    represents strength
    prepared for battle represents fear (foot soldiers would fear one on a horse).
    prepared for battle would also mean the horses wore or had some protection.
    they had breastplates of iron so that their enemies couldn't hurt them
  2. They had crowns of gold on their heads.
    depicts royalty, authority
    also depicts dominion, conquering, against which the subjects had no choice
  3. Faces of men denotes intelligence.    
  4. Because of their hair like women, they could be attractive and appealing
  5. Teeth like that of lions would denote cruelty and savagery.

The demons tormented humans for five months. Nearly one-half year these hordes of demons tormented the earth. People wanted to die, but the demons couldn't kill.

This was a direct attack on the power of the Anti-christ and his authority to rule!

Given all the above characteristics, speed, strength, intelligence, attractiveness, protection from harm, noise and confusion, should be quiet enough. However, add the power of the sting of a scorpion and you have one tormenting machine that can cause terrible suffering to people on earth. No wonder these unbelievers wanted to die! However, death is going to bring even greater trauma for them. 

Is it any wonder that only something from the abyss could bring this kind of torture? Anything with some semblance of conscience could not continue to inflict this kind of pain day and night on its victims.

The king over these tormentors is "the angel of the abyss." He is called Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. Jesus spoke of him in John 10:10. He is the enemy of believers. He is the devil himself. His name means destruction. Rather fitting, wouldn't you say?

Our Explanation

We only look at one trumpet judgment in this post, the Fifth one. The reason is that the explanation is so long. We didn't cover nearly half of the information about this judgment that is available in our free study of Revelation (see below how you can get your copy).

The tribulation period is so complex, it is difficult to cover in a short post. Therefore, we are dividing the trumpet judgments into some short posts.

I am here to help! If you have questions or comments, please leave them below. I'll get back soon.



PS: A complete study on Revelation and the judgments is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel has been published. You can get your copy here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Seven Trumpet Judgments--Revelation Part 1

Part 1 Revelation Chapter 8

In the last post we looked at the seven seal judgments. Here I want to examine the seven trumpet Judgments of Revelation. The first four judgments appear in chapter 8. The last trumpet judgments occur in chapters 9; 10; and 11. Remember, the judgments take place so that Jesus can return the title deed of the earth to its original owner, God.

Let's get right into these powerful, Jesus directed, judgments.

Chapter Eight of Revelation. Vv 1  –  13      The Seventh Seal--the Trumpets

V 1 When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an
The severity and contemplation of the next seven judgments causes the silence. Even our judges in the court system of the USA takes time to contemplate the sentence he is about to bring on the malcontent. Once again, judgment on his creation takes place. Therefore, silence so real you can feel it around heaven.

The silence could be in contrast to the noise of battle about to take place. Even nature applauds the decision to continue his judgment of the unbelievers.

Preparation and Prayer

John's location in spiritual format shows him inside heaven. He sees seven angels standing before God. These angels are given seven trumpets. The judgments are about to begin. However, notice that Jesus directs the events. 

These are the judgments mentioned by Enoch, Jude 14. They were expected by the psalmist, 96:12, Let the fields exult and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy before the Lord, for he is coming for he is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and     the peoples in his faithfulness.

The events of judgment were confirmed by Paul, Acts 17:31, Because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished         proof to all men by raising him from the dead.

The moment has come when the wrath of God is to be revealed from heaven against all             unrighteousness and ungodliness, Romans 1:18. God has promised through out scripture that this day of his wrath would come "like a thief in the night."

An unusual prayer meeting takes place before the judgments begin. An angel stands before the altar in heaven with a golden censer. The angel adds this incense to the golden altar where the prayers of the saints abound.

Isn't it good to know that God doesn't do things haphazardly. There's planning and timing to his methods. In verse 1, there’s silence. Then in verse 5, there’s quite a contrast to the silence with the thundering, lightening and an earthquake. These events happen whenever the smoke of the incense burning in the golden censer rises up before the Lord, and also when the angel takes fire from the altar and throws it to the earth. Now the angels with the trumpets are ready to sound.

If you review the breaking of the seals, you would notice that much space is given in the Bible to each one. However, there is little space given as explanation to the sounding of the trumpets. The judgments come quickly and destroy much. No explanation needed!

First Trumpet Sounds

The blowing or sounding of the first trumpet causes one-third of the earth to burn, one-third of the trees burned and all the green grass was burned. Those who "think green" can't imagine the pollution caused by this trumpet blast.

Second Trumpet Sounds

The second trumpet blast brings destruction to the sea. One-third of the seas become blood, one-third of sea life die and one-third of the ships are destroyed. Devastating!

Most likely this judgment finds a great meteor falling into the sea. Then, too, "mountain" could be symbolic or figurative. Moses and Aaron turned the waters of the Nile to blood in Exodus 7:19, 20. Fish died. 

However, in this judgment think of the destruction. One-third of the ships are destroyed: commercial, navy ships and how about cruise ships. I wouldn't want to be on a cruise when this event takes place. Does the possibility of a nuclear explosion exist as the "mountain falling into the sea." John has never witnessed one. Perhaps his description of a mountain falling into the seas was the only description he could find.

Third Trumpet Sounds

The second trumpet judgment attacks the salt waters, the seas. The third trumpet judgment makes one-third of the rivers and springs of fresh water unfit for drinking. Many people do drink the waters, and many people die from the polluted water.

Therefore, the possibilities of a star from our Galaxy falling on the earth isn't against Biblical principles, is it? Could it be possible that the star called wormwood began its trek toward earth when the seal of 6:13 was broken (See my blog about the Seal Judgments here). Keep in mind, too, the judgments are taking place almost simultaneously.

Fourth Trumpet Sounds.

The blast of the fourth trumpet affects the heavenly lights. One-third of the stars, sun and moon are darkened. Daylight and the light of the moon and stars do not shine as brightly as they once did. Stars are falling and the sun, which is a star, is burning out.

Jesus tells you in Matthew 24:29, "But immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

Do you find it amazing that the fourth trumpet has the ability to turn out some of the heavenly lights?
It was on the fourth day of creation that the sun, moon and stars were created, Genesis 1:14. The creation of the heavenly lights took place in the middle of creation. When we look at the Lampstand, we see seven lamps. The center lamp is the Christ candle. How apropos that Jesus is conducting the trumpet blasts. He is in the middle, he created heavenly lights during the middle of creation, and here, he begins extinguishing the lights in the middle of the trumpet blasts. Cool but Ironic!

Summing Up

We're only looking at the first four trumpet sounds which occur in Revelation chapter 8.
1. First trumpet causes destruction to the earth
2. Second trumpet causes destruction to the seas
3. Third Trumpet causes destruction to the fresh waters
4. Fourth trumpet causes destruction to the heavenly lights

All these judgments take place in chapter 8 of Revelation. Only one to two verses cover the scope of the each of the trumpet judgments 1 through 4. Much destruction on earth and loss of life happens but little scripture reference takes place.

If you have questions or comments, please leaven them at the bottom. I'm here to help.



PS: A complete study on Revelation and the judgments is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

Our first novel has been published. You can get your copy here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Six Seal Judgments--6:1-17

Whenever you think about the Apostle John's Revelation and the seal judgments, what comes to mind? Do you picture destruction, wild and horrific?

As a brief reminder, the scroll in question with the seven seals is the Title Deed to the earth, God's Creation. Adam gave Satan complete control of the earth when he rebelled against God in the Garden. Now Jesus begins the task of bringing the title back to the rightful owner.

It's important to keep in mind the purpose behind the judgments as you begin to look at the seal judgments. John writes about the destruction of 1/4th of the earth's population. That's a heap of people killed, folks!

Look at the things that take place as Jesus, the Lamb of God, opens the individual seals. The reason I want to look at the first six seals is because the seventh seal ushers in the seven Trumpet Judgments.
So let's get started.

The church is gone, but on earth I want you to see what is going to happen.
    a. The tribulation period, Chapters 6-18, occupies about two-thirds of the book.
    b. It only covers a 7 year period, so lots of things happen very fast.
            1) Jeremiah 30:7.
            2) Daniel 12:1.
            3) Matthew 24:21.
    c. It’s earth’s bloodiest hour.
            1) Never has been anything like it.
            2) Never ever will be anything like it again.
    d. These horrendous judgments come in 21 different sets of judgments.
            1) Seven seal judgments.
            2) Seven trumpet judgments.
            3) Seven bowl judgments.
    e. If seven is God’s number of perfection, 3 sevens must be perfection plus.
 At the breaking of each seal, the blowing of each trumpet and the pouring out of each
            bowl, a new judgment is unleashed.
    a. Six of the seal judgments are in Chapter 6, Chapter 7 represents a lull and the 7th seal

            is in Chapter 8.

Jesus breaks the first seal. One of the created beings around the throne thunders with a loud voice, COME! The living creature is giving a command to the Rider on the white horse to begin his appointed time in history.

The First Seal Judgment

The first seal judgment is found in Revelation 6:1. Here the rider on the white horse, the anti-christ comes on the tribulation scene.

His advent comes on the heels of the rapture of the church. He comes to conquer, and he does conquer the world. He takes complete control, world dominance, during the first 3-1/2 years of the tribulation. 

Notice that he has a bow but no arrows; therefore, his making war isn't done in a conventional way. One way he can conquer is through some economical fix.

The 2nd Seal Judgment

When you begin to compare these judgments, you begin to see how they can go on at or nearly at the same time. It looks as though all these judgments take place at or near the middle of the tribulation period.

When the second Seal Judgment is broken, the rider on the red horse takes peace from the world. Daniel 9 says that the anti-christ will break the covenant “in the middle of the week” or after 3-1/2 years.

Once again, the command to the next rider to arise.
  1. Here peace is taken out, and the last 3-and-1/2 years of the tribulation begins.
  2. Notice John writes, When He broke the seal,. . . There could be time between the
            breaking of the seals.
V 4 And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take
            peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword
            was given to him.
It is possible that Russia could be this rider.
  1. Ezekiel 38:2, 3 lists the names of Magog, Meshech, Rosh and Tubal.
  2. All these Old Testament countries can be found inside the Soviet Union.
    a. The area of Russia where Tubal was located is the eastern part that lies south west of
            Siberia. The exact area where U-2 pilot, Gary Powers was shot down.
    b. Meshech is Moscow.
    c. Rosh is Russia, herself.
  3. The Great Bear invades Israel from the north according to Ezekiel 38:15, 16.
    a. The country lies north of Israel.
    b. She invades Israel in the latter years and days of the tribulation, Ezekiel 38:16.
    c. The attack centers around the Holy Land.
    d. In fact you find Israel mentioned 18 times in Ezekiel 38 and 39.
 Remember, there was no nation called Israel until 1948.

3rd Seal Judgment

When the third Seal Judgment is broken, the rider on the black horse causes famine. Most likely this is a result of the war from the previous judgments. Famine and inflation usually follow war.

V 5. When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come. " I
            looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his
Once again the third living creature cried out, “come!”
  1. What does the pair of scales represent?
  2. Something is about to be weighed.
  3. Scales usually refer to the weighing of grain, i.e. wheat, barley: therefore, a bread
            scarcity is in the balance.
V 6 And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, A
            quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do
            not damage the oil and the wine.
Famine and inflation usually follow war.
  1. C. F. 2 Kings 7:1.
  2. The rider on the black horse brings these two destructive twin sorrows to the earth.
    a. Ezekiel prophesied this hour 4:11-16.
    b. Although this prophesy was for Jerusalem prior to 586 B.C., it can be a long term
            prophesy for Jerusalem during the tribulation, too.
    c. This is pictured by the pair of balances of verse 5.
            1) One pair was accurate.
            2) The other pair was tampered with so it would weigh heavier.
  3. Let’s have some fun, let’s compare prices from then until now.
    a. A denarius was the wages for a days work for a laborer.
    b. Today, the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.
    c. Two measures = 16 oz or 1 loaf of bread.
    d. Therefore, a loaf of bread today would cost, $58.00 – 8 X $7.25 = $58,00.
    e. Bread will really be scarce during this time.
  4. Oil and wine have always been luxury items.
    a. Therefore the command is not to harm them.
    b. The rich will still be able to enjoy themselves even during world famine.
  5. How rich are we today?
    a. I did this survey over 20 years ago.
    b. At that time, out of 133 countries, the per capita income for 25 of them was $1000.
    c. 17 of these 25 countries had a per capita income less than $500 per year.
  6. The general picture is that of hunger stalking the world, and inflation being the
    a. We’re experiencing some of this today.
    b. Inflation is at record highs.
    c. The poor and the aged are having a tough time making it today.
    d. The people of the U.S. spend 50 billion on diet pills and diet supplements a year.
    e. While millions in our country are starving. Go figure!
  7. Inflation and the anti-Christ’s numerical program 666 will have become so successful
            that gold, silver and paper money will be useless.
    a. Ezekiel 7:19.
    b. Matthew 6:19, 20.
    c. Isaiah 55:1, 2 

4th Seal Judgment

The rider on the pale (the word used for pale is chloros or green) horse rides out. One-fourth of the earth’s population is killed. This takes place during the 5th year of the tribulation period. It is possible that the "green" horse represents chlorine gas or warfare conducted by using chemicals. Since such a large portion of world population is destroyed it makes sense.

V 7 When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature
            saying, Come.
Again the command to “come” is given by the fourth living creature.
  1. Something to think about the command to “come.”
    a. It is given by one of the creatures that guards God’s holiness.
    b. Therefore, it is a holy command that must be followed.
  2. Get out there and do your thing, the next demon is instructed.
  3. I want you to notice something.
    a. On earth, the anti-Christ is given credit for the power to do these things, isn’t he?
    b. But where is the power for him to accomplish his tasks coming from? The Lamb in
V 8 I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and
            Hades was following with him Authority was given to them over a fourth of the
            earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild
            beasts of the earth.
The rider on the next horse aggravates the conditions set by the rider on the black
  1. The rider on the black horse introduced famine and inflation.
    a. If the rider on the black horse were bad, look at what this rider does.
    b. Ashen or pale in Greek is chlorous = green.
            1) Mark 6:39, Jesus commands them to sit on the green (chlorous) grass.
            2) Revelation 9:4, commands them not to hurt the green (chlorous) things.
            3) Our word chlorine comes from this Greek word.
            4) Chlorine is a deadly gas.
  2. That’s why the name “death” is on this rider and “hell follows.”
    a. The use of gas and bacteriological elements destroys them
    b. Death and hell follow and swallow them up.
    c. He kills with hunger, sword and the beasts of the fields.
    d. One/fourth of the earth’s population is killed by this rider.
    e. At the current population of the earth, that’s over 1 billion people killed by this
            rider using chemical and bacteriological warfare.
    f. That’s why I think that there is a connection between chlorous and this rider.
            1) Does he use chemical warfare to destroy?
            2) The armies of today have the power through atomic energy, gasses and
                        bacteriological warfare to reduce the population of the world by this
                        amount in a matter of a few hours.

5th Seal Judgment

When the fifth seal is broken we find the saints from the tribulation martyred and in heaven. The stellar heavens are smitten and the sun begins to novae. This happens during the 6th and into the 7th year of the tribulation. One-third of the lights are darkened, and soon the rest will follow.

V 9 When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who
            had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which
            they had maintained;
The opening of the fifth seal gives us a picture of the first victims or martyrs of the
  1. It’s important to remember that those tribulation saints are not part of the church.
  2. The church is gone already.
    a. The church age or dispensation is over, 4:4.
    b. These saints are seen under the altar.
    c. Since the altar of Old Testament times was a place where blood of the sacrifice was
            placed (Exodus 29:12; Leviticus 4:7; John 16:2 --read--).
    d. This could indicate that the blood of these saints has been poured out as a
            sacrifice, i.e. they gave up their life-blood for the Lamb.
    d. Souls are saved during the tribulation period the same way you and I were saved: the
            shed blood of Jesus Christ.
  3. These saints were believers who have lost their lives because of:
    a. Their belief in the word of God (Rev. 14:18, 16:7).
    b. Their testimony which they held firm to the end.
V 10 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will
            You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the
Notice, they are not asleep.
  1. They are crying.
  2. When you die, your spirit and soul go to heaven or v 8 to hell.
    a. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:8, To be absent from the body is to be present
            with the Lord.
    b. Paul again writes, To die is gain. . .” (Philippians 1:21).
  3. When Christ returns, He brings those that sleep with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:14).
    a. These are the armies of heaven.
    b. Sleep here is a reference to the grave.
    c. Those that are with him have died and have been placed in the grave.
    d. We think of them as sleeping.
    e. The old song, Mother’s not dead. She’s only a sleeping. Patiently waiting, for Jesus
            to come.
  4. Therefore, being in spirit form does not mean being unconscious or comatose.
V 11 And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they
            should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and
            their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed
God tells the tribulation saints that his judgment will take place, but there are more
            saints that need to be brought home, so be patient.
  1. The tribulation saints will be mentioned later as we unravel the contents of this book.
  2. These saints are not the church saints, and they will have a different role in Heaven
            than does the church.

6th Seal Judgment

There’s a huge earthquake and there is no light on the earth. The stars have fallen from the sky and the sun does not give here light. This happens during the 7th year of the tribulation period.

V 12 I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the
             sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like
When the sixth seal is broken, a huge earthquake happens.
  1. Does it surprise you that God uses natural events as part of his judgment?
  2. Three quakes are mentioned in Revelation.
    a. here.
    b. 11:13.
    c. 16:18, 19.
  3. Another important thing to notice, the first five seals gave power to anti-Christ.
    a. The sixth seal does not.
    b. The anti-Christ can’t make earthquakes happen.
    c. I think the earthquakes are literal as they are in other places in the Bible.
    d. God used earthquakes during other periods of judgment.
            1) Exodus 19:18, Mt. Sinai quaked when the Lord ascended upon it.
            2) 1 Kings 19:11, rocks were smashed during Elijah’s day.
            3) One you will remember is? That’s right, the day Jesus died. There was a great
                        earthquake that was so powerful that tombs were opened and people who
                        had died before moved about the streets of Jerusalem
                        (Matthew 27:51, 52).
V 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when
            shaken by a great wind.
This will be a powerful quake!
  1. What other effects do you think a quake of this magnitude will have on planet earth?
    a. Tsunamis will occur.
    b. Those living near the ocean and on islands in the oceans will be devastated.
     c. Those near the epicenter will suffer great loss as in Haiti.
  2. Stars will fall like defective fruit falls from trees.
    a. Have you noticed how apples or peaches fall from a tree before it gets ripe?
    b. Most often if you examine the fruit closely, there’s a worm in or a blight on it.
    c. Can you imagine stars – we’re not talking little twinkling things out in the sky
            hitting the earth!
            1) The sun is a star, our closest one.
            2) It is huge!
            3) Can you imagine what the earth’s inhabitants will be thinking as they watch
                        these brilliant streams of light coming towards the earth at great speeds!
  3. And the winds will blow horrifically!
  4. Some want to interpret these signs figuratively.
  5. I think they will be literal.
  6. I want you to turn with me to Isaiah 24:18-20. Here Isaiah writes, Then it will be that
            he who flees the report of disaster will fall into the pit, and he who climbs out of
            the pit will be caught in the snare; for the windows above are opened, and the
            foundations of the earth shake. (19) The earth is broken asunder, the earth is split
            through, the earth is shaken violently. (20) The earth reels to and fro like a
            drunkard and it totters like a shack, for its transgressions is heavy upon it, and it
            will fall, never to rise again.
  7. What devastation this one earthquake will bring, and the other quakes will make the
            prophesy of Isaiah come true.
V 14 The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and
            island were moved out of their places.
How very powerful are these earthquakes?
  1. The stellar heavens will be split!
  2. Mountains will become plains and valleys will be lifted up level.
  3. Read Isaiah 40:3-5, A voice is calling, clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness;
            make smooth in the dessert a highway for our God. (4) Let every valley be lifted
            up, and every mountain and hill be made low; and let the rough ground become a
            plain, and the rugged terrain a broad valley; (5) Then the glory of the Lord will
            be revealed, and all flesh will see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has
  4. The force of this and the other quakes will cause the mountains to come tumbling
  5. I believe this seal, along with the trumpet and bowl judgments, will be very near the
            end of the tribulation.
    a. All these events are happening simultaneously!
    b. John can only write them as he sees them.
    c. He doesn’t have a video camera to record them all at once.
    d. And he has to write them in some kind of chronological order.
    e. Therefore, we have three separate events taking place, i.e. the seal, trumpet and bowl
  6. Here’s another reason I believe these quakes happen near the end of the tribulation
    a. Matthew 24:29 has Jesus speaking, But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heavens will be shaken.
    b. How? Great earthquakes!
  7. Another reason for me thinking these events will occur near the end.
    a. Zechariah 14:4, 5.
    b. In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem
             on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west
            by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north
            and the other half toward the south. (5) You will flee by the valley of My
            mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee
            just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then
            the Lord, my God, will come, and all the holy ones with Him.
    c. The prophet Zechariah alludes to the fact that an “earthquake” causes the Mount of
            Olives to split, doesn’t he?
  8. Let’s look at more evidence!
V 15 Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and
            the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among
            the rocks of the mountains; (16) and they said to the mountains and to the rocks,
            Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from
            the wrath of the Lamb; (17) for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is
            able to stand?"
This is going to be a terrible time in history.
  1. That’s why I think the 6th and 7th seal, trumpet and bowl judgments occur very near
            the end of the tribulation period.
  2. The inhabitants of the earth cry out for the rocks to fall on them – a reasonable
            request since that’s exactly what is happening!
  3. Why?
    a. They know it’s over.
    b. Jesus says in Luke 21:25, 26, Men’s hearts fail them for fear of the things they see
            coming on the earth.
    c. Micah 1: 4, 5 says, The mountains will melt under Him and the valleys will be split,
            like wax before the fire, like water poured down a steep place. All this is for the
            rebellion of Jacob and for the sins of the house of Israel. . .
  4. Why are the nations crying? For the great day of their wrath has come. . .

I have shared much information in this post--maybe too much. However, much of the information comes from my commentaries on Revelation. You can get a free copy of the entire book of Revelation here!

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PS: To get your copy of my first novel, The Red-Haired Master ShepherdGo here.

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