Sunday, January 24, 2021

Walk in Adam's Footsteps



Whenever we make excuses or justify our actions, wwalk in the footsteps of Adam. Adam disobeyed a directive from God. Most of our excuses to justify our actions follows Adam's example. "That woman you gave to be with me. . ." (Genesis 3:12). Adam blamed God for giving Eve to him, and he blamed his wife for giving him the food. Both were lies.

An excuse is a skin of reason wrapped up in a lie. Instead of excuses, let's look at how we should carry on our daily lives.

I want to use the following scripture as the basis for looking at walking with Adam: 

Colossians 2:1-3,” I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not seen me face to face. That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (ESV).

 Next I want to go to Revelation 3:14--22 for only a brief period of time. Here, John is given instructions to write this church type several years later then Paul is writing to the church at Colossae. God told this church:

            you think you are rich, but you are poor, wretched, miserable and blind

            you have left your first love

            they were luke-warm; therefore, he said that he would spew them out of his mouth

God encourages them to buy gold from him refined by the fire, white clothes to wear to cover their nakedness and salve for their eyes, and return to him. The one verse that you will remember from this letter to Laodicea is 3:20, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come and eat with him and he with me.”

It is possible that the members at this church didn’t listen to Paul’s message from our text above. I believe that many of our brothers and sisters across America aren’t listening to Paul's message, either.

Let’s look at a few things that we can take away from these few verses in Colossians 2.

Paul uses the word “hearts.” In verse 2. The word heart doesn’t represent a blood pump that each of us has, and it keeps us alive while here on earth. Heart here is the very center of your body. It represents the part of you that is your soul and spirit. It is who you are. It pumps spiritual thoughts and words from God’s Spirit into your physical body.

Your heart is where all your decisions are made because your will is part of your heart. Your heart also houses your emotions and your mind. These three things make up your soul, i.e. heart.

Then Paul uses the word “knit” or joined in verse 2 as well.

Do you knit? Would you be surprised if I told you that I taught my wife to knit. That’s why she is so good. Knitting is amazing. You take a strand of yarn, do a few twists and turns like knit and pearl, yarn over, knit two together, and several other moves that I never learned, and you come out with this amazing item that bears no resemblance to the single strand you began with. One strand and you end up with a scarf, sweater, toboggan or socks.The same is true with the way God makes a church. He takes a single person and joins him/her with one or two more, and with specific stitches and designs, he makes something incredibly beautiful and/or useful: a piano player, a song leader, youth leader, teacher, a pastor, lay people of all kinds.

Notice what he uses to knit his church together. He knits them together with love. Understand, God doesn’t use love that is made of feelings and emotions. Those things are fleeting and can disappear as easily as they appear. God’s knitting material is unconditional love. The kind that can withstand criticism. The kind of love that keeps on giving even though there is nothing being reciprocated. His knitting love is undemanding.

  • It never boasts
  • It is kind
  • It is patient
  • Does not envy
  • Is not arrogant
  • Is never rude
  • Does not seek its own way
  • Does not get irritable
  • Does not resent
  • Does not rejoice in wrong doing
  • Endures all things
  • Believes all things
  • Hopes all things
  • His love never ends.

You see, he only uses the best yarn to knit a church together. Then after he makes them whole with his love, he gives each one a gift so that the individual can—on their own—continue to knit God’s church together.

God showed his great love, his knitting material, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5).

I can’t help but believe that this verse teaches each of us how to knit in love. Whatever the gift he has given you, use it for everyone regardless of how undesirable he/she may appear to you. You don't have to like the person(s) to use your gift(s) to serve them.

Even though Christ saw only sinners everywhere he looked, he still died on the cross. Therefore, he says to each of us:

  • Keep knitting even though you see little results
  • Keep knitting even though they throw rotten tomatoes
  • Keep knitting even though you don’t like them
  • Keep knitting although they persecute you
  • No matter what, keep knitting with unconditional love, my love!
  • Paul goes on to say there in Colossians, by knitting in love, you will reach a full assurance.
  • Full assurance of what?

The full assurance of God’s salvation comes first. That’s why I was saved. I needed fire insurance, and God has a better plan than humans do.

So, the first full guarantee you gain from God’s knitting all of us together is the full assurance of salvation. “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” The Psalmist writes.

He also provides you with the full assurance of your faith. Your faith gives you hope, and his hope never disappoints.

Then his knitting in love gives us positive knowledge of God’s understanding, verse 2 above. He begins to reveal truth to us from his word. The revealed truth increases our understanding of his love that knitted us to him in the first place.

Everything comes full circle as we understand how much he loves us. As I consider how much he loves me, Then, I know how much he loves you, too. Because of His love, I can love you the same way. People don’t have to be good for me to love them. If that were a requirement, then I would have to be good, and I’m not too good at being good. Really, I’m better at being bad!

Next and along with an understanding of his love comes an understanding of his knowledge verse 2 above. Also, Proverbs 2:4-5 gives you an understanding of gaining knowledge, too. Look at this verse with me,

and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.

As you study the scripture, you are going on a buried treasure hunt. Sometimes you dig gems out of the pages that are far better than diamonds. Often, you must do a lot of digging, but then on a given day, you might find a pocket full of these priceless gems.

Therefore, by searching God’s word as if searching hidden treasure, you come to find the knowledge of how God operates. We know him, and we know his ways. However, the beauty of all this is we know how well he knows us.

I find it amazing for the one who knows me best keeps knitting me with his love. He loves me more than I love myself. He can never love you and me any more than he does right now.

If you know your friends as well as God knows them, most likely you wouldn’t want to be friends with them. Yet, God knows all about you and me, and he still loves us—this is amazing!

Yes, God knits us together. He makes us into a beautiful tapestry of friends and loved ones called a church.

He does all this by his love.

He gives us our assurance in understanding and knowledge.

His knitting brings us together and by doing our ministry, he continues to knit through each of us..

How about you, my friend. How much knitting are you doing?

Let me ask you this? 

  1. If God can create the world out of nothing, 
  2. if he can lead a group of slaves out of captivity, 
  3. if he could part the waters so that a huge group of people could cross on dry land, 
  4. if he could give a country that belonged to another group of peoples to his chosen ones, 
  5. If he could rescue Daniel from the lion’s den and the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace,
  6. If he can give a young girl a baby,
  7. If he can come back from the dead,

Then, is there anything he can’t or won’t do for you? You have everything you need to allow God to knit through you. The question is, will you let him? 

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PS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out here. Or you can email us for your copy.
For free studies on many books of the Bible, Visit our website, M & H Publishing Company by clicking here then select "Contact."

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.



Saturday, January 16, 2021

Tribulation Ends with the Beginning of the Millennial Reign

Can we know the end of the Tribulation Period? The answer is yes! There is Biblical proof that you can know when the Tribulation Period is over. Let's look at some of these signs.

The First Sign of the End  

To solidify that there is an end, there must be a beginning. Jeremiah 30:7 predicts the start of troubles for the Jews. "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it."

Since you can't know peace without war, there can't be a tribulation period without first being a time when there is no threat of violence to the Nation, Israel. Although there are threats of destruction for Israel almost daily, she experiences a time of prosperity and hope. However, there comes a time when she will be run out of her country, hunted down like animals and killed. Yet there is still hope.

In the above scripture, Jeremiah predicts that "Jacob" or Israel will be saved through this period of destruction of her people. A remnant shall return Isaiah 1:9, "Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah."

Currently, I am working on a novel, Separate Servant, whose premise is about the leader of the remnant of Israel who goes through the Tribulation Period unscathed. Sign up for my newsletter and receive a free, online copy of the book when it publishes.

Again, Isaiah 10:22, "For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the destruction decreed shall overflow with righteousness."

So, the first sign you see of trouble for Israel from which she narrowly escapes comes from the Old Testament of the Torah.

The Second Sign of the End

The next sign of an end to Tribulation comes from the fact that it has to begin. Daniel first mentions an abomination of desolation coming on Israel. Look what he says, "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Daniel 9:26--27). See Daniel 9 His Prayer the Conclusion Explained posted on this blog. For quick reference click here.

Further, Jesus tells you in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 to look for the "abomination of desolation spoke of by Daniel the Prophet. He says that after the antichrist breaks the treaty with Israel, he will make his headquarters in Jerusalem, begin to kill the Jews and desecrate the temple by having a statute of himself erected in the Temple. Jesus warns that when the Jews see this event taking place they need to flee the city.

You now have two signs to look for: The start of Jacob's troubles is when Israel signs a pact with the devil's representative at the beginning of the Tribulation period. The treaty will allow them to begin animal sacrifice in the Temple as they did before the destruction of the Temple in AD 70. The antichrist breaks the treaty in the middle of the seven years, i.e. after three-and-a-half years. He sets himself up as God and offers sacrifices on the altar in the Temple, erects a statute of himself in the Temple and begins to murder the Jews and followers of Jesus.

The Tribulation Ends

Although the antichrist tries to destroy the Jews, the judgments brought about by the Lord reclaiming His title deed to the earth he created begin to take place in earnest the last three-and-a-half years of the Tribulation Period. Chaos reigns supreme! The whole topography of the earth is changed and billions of people are destroyed in the process.

In the end, only a remnant of Jews remain, and only a portion of the human population comes through the Tribulation. Even these are weeded out at the judgment of Matthew 25. After which, those  who have been saved along with the remnant of Jews will enter the Millennial Reign with Jesus.

The end of the Tribulation Period comes seven years after the beginning of antichrist's reign. He can be recognized when he comes out of an Old Roman Empire country. He will immediately take over three of the smaller countries from the same empire. Then, he will begin to rule the whole world: first by the countries of the world acquiescing to his rule; second by his takeover of the rest of the world by force.

After he has reigned for seven years, Jesus will return to reign supreme for 1000 years, i.e. the Millennial Reign. Who enters this period with Jesus?

    Those who help a Jewish brother or sister (Matthew 25).

    Those who are saved during the Tribulation Period and remain alive (Revelation 7).

Check out my posts on this blog of the book of Daniel and order an online copy of Why Revelation Why Now from us. You can find links to our website below.

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Thanks for checking out our blog at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Our mission is to provide meaningful study material from God's word. The materials we provide are the works of Howard, and any relation to others woks is purely coincidental.



PS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out here. Or you can email us for your copy.
For free studies on many books of the Bible, Visit our website, M & H Publishing Company by clicking here then select "Contact."

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Tribulation Ends--The Millennial Reign Begins: Daniel Chapter 12


Chapter 12


 We've reached the end of our study of Daniel. The Tribulation Period ends and the Millennial Reign of Jesus will follow. From this chapter you learn the length of time of the cleansing of the created world and the fate of the Jewish nation.

Although the times seem bleak--and they are--God is still in control. He it is who orchestrates the ebb and flow of life from day one to the very end. Hope you have enjoyed our trip through Daniel. If so, tell me about it. Leave a comment. I'm not trying to trap you to get your information. I only want to share the beauty of my vision of the scriptures. For a complete, free study of Daniel go here.

Let's jump into the final chapter! 

Vv 1 – 13        The Time of the End

V 1 Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your

            people, will arise And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since

            there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is

            found written in the book, will be rescued.

A. Look at whom Michael is guarding, Daniel’s people, the Jews.

  1. Do you think he stands guard over you and me, too?

  2. There is going to be a time of distress like never before.

    a. Matthew 24:21

    b. But notice who is in charge!

    c. Those Jews whose names are written in the book of life will make it through the


    d. How will then get their names in the book of life? Believe in Jesus.

    e. Will there be believers, others than Jews, who make it through the tribulation? Yes,

            Matthew 25:31-40.

V 2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting

            life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.

B. Those who believe will resurrect to everlasting life, and those who don’t believe will

            go to everlasting destruction. The resurrection of the righteous dead.

  1. What about the “righteous dead” was raised? Their physical bodies.

  2. Where had their spirits been? Heaven, after Jesus takes them from Abraham’s bosom.

V 3 Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of

            heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and


C. The insight necessary to shine brightly will be the faith to believe on Jesus!

  1. It isn’t fathomable the beauty of heaven, is it?

  2. However, because you and I have believed in Jesus, we will shine as brightly as


  3. If you win others to Jesus, you’ll shine as bright as stars for eternity.

V 4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.

D. The meaning is not to seal up understanding and knowledge about the end times from this book, but rather to keep the book intact so we can learn it.

  1. Back and forth.

  2. During the tribulation period many will search everywhere for meaning to life.

  3. The book will help us understand end times better.

  4. This book along with Matthew 24 and 25, help bridge the gap between Revelation to

            provide understanding and knowledge to it and other end time prophesies.

V 5 Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the

            river and the other on that bank of the river.

E. Probably angels.

V 6 And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river,

            How long will it be until the end of these wonders? V 7 I heard the man dressed in

            linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his

            left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a

            time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the

            holy people, all these events will be completed.

F. The last half of the tribulation period, the 31/2 years mentioned here.

  1. Israel will be shattered.

  2. She will have no power.

  3. Not too many Jews will be left.

    a. Except of course, the 144,000 sealed Jews.

    b. Don’t know if they are alive or spirits. I think they are alive throughout the

            tribulation period.

V 8 As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, My lord, what will be the

            outcome of these events?

G. Although Daniel heard the events, he didn’t understand them. So he asked.

V 9 He said, Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the

            end time.

H. The things said by one of the angels were not to be made public.

V 10 Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and

            none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.

I. The tests and trials of the tribulation will be understood by the believers as just that, but

            the wicked and unbelievers will continue life as usual.

V 11 From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of

            desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.

J. 1,290 days = 3 years and 210 days or 31/2 years + 30 days.

  1. Remember that antichrist broke the treaty with the Jews at the middle of the


  2. The abomination will still exist even after the tribulation ends in 31/2 years.

  3. The extra 30 days perhaps allow for the judgments that take place after the

            tribulation ends.

    a. Ezekiel 20:33-34

    b. Joel 3:2, 3

    c. Matthew 25:32-40

V 12 How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days!

K. At the end of the 30 day period, judgment has taken place, and those who make it until

            the Temple is cleansed of all the abomination, i.e. Satan, the antichrist, the frog-

            like prophets, antichrist’s second in command and the image of anti-Christ, will

            be extremely blessed and happy.

  1. An additional 45 days after judgment will be required to get rid of the abomination

            from the temple.

  2. But those who make it will see a new kingdom, a new prince and have King David as

            their ruler.

V 13 But as for you, go your way to the end; then you will enter into rest and rise again

            for your allotted portion at the end of the age.

L. The end for Daniel will be at his death.

  1. However, this isn’t the end for him.

  2. He will enter into “rest” or his spirit man will go to heaven when Jesus empties

            Abraham’s bosom.

  3. His new, resurrected body will rise at the end of the tribulation period and he will be

            complete in heaven.

  4. This should give you great comfort because it says that there will be a resurrection.

  5. Everything that Daniel predicted in his 12 short chapters has come true up to now.

  6. Then I believe we can count on the tribulation events and those afterwards will



 Study Question

Chapter 12




  1. Whom does Michael Guard?


  2. Does he guard you and me, too?


  3. Which Jews will make it through the tribulation period?


  4. Will there be Gentile believers who make it (c.f. Matthew 25:31-40)?


  5. What “insight” will one need to shine as brightly as heaven?


  6. What reward will one receive for winning someone to Jesus?


  7. In V 6, which 3-and-1/2 years is being discussed here?


  8. How much influence or power will the Jews have at the end?


  9. How does your answer of #8 affect the outcome of the Jew’s final condition? (this

            one is hard, so don’t panic!)


10. How long is 1290 days (Jewish years)?


11. Why will it take these additional days the end the tribulation period?


12. Why then are 1335 days, or an additional 45 days needed before the tribulation period

            is ended?


13. What is Daniel promised?


14. Why should the promise to Daniel give you comfort?

 Answer to Number 9, The Jews can no longer rely on themselves, Abraham, circumcision or the Law to save them (Rom. 2-3). Now they must call Jesus back to earth.

 Ans. to number 12, to cleanse the Temple.


  Legal Reminder

Thanks for checking out our blog at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Our mission is to provide meaningful study material from God's word. The materials we provide are the works of Howard, and any relation to others woks is purely coincidental.

For fountain pens and ballpoints visit: My Fountain Pens



PS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out here. Or you can email us for your copy.
For a complete study of Revelation, click here.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.