Do you believe we are close to a one world government? We at B. C. Ministries, Inc. believe that our global world is on the brink of having a one world government.
For one thing, simply look at the global economy. Not only is the United States in trouble economically, but so too are most of the other nations of the world. Of course there are a few exceptions. China isn’t in trouble financially. However, she is in trouble over her water sources. We could see a huge confrontation for water rights, soon.
The third world countries that are selling oil to the world are having no problem with their economy. However, both China and these third world countries will be part of the armies that come against the Jews and Christ during and at the end of the tribulation period.
However, in order for the anti-christ to rule the entire world, he must first have a solution to help all the countries of the world. He will be able to do this.
In Revelation 6 the anti-christ is pictured as the rider on the white horse (v 2). The person on the white horse has a crown and a bow. He goes out conquering and to conquer. The anti-christ pictured here begins his conquest of the entire world, i.e. one world government.
Notice that the rider has a bow but no arrows. How is he going to make war if he has nothing of conventional warfare with which to use. He conquers through and by healing the economies of the world and through diplomacy. In the end anyone who buys or sells must have his approval—his mark—one their forehead or hand.
Our question isn’t, “Will there be a one world government, but when will it take place?” Something or someone has to fix the global economy! We believe this will happen real soon.