Friday, December 31, 2010

Why Does God Use the Twenty-one Judgments During the Tribulation Period?

This is a question I get often. Since God is love, then why would He judge the world so harshly?

It is true that God is love (1 John 4:8b). Everything He has done for mankind is out of His love for His family. However, some refuse to accept the offer of His amazing love, i.e. his death on the cross.

The love shown on the cross can never be equaled by man or any other god. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate exhibition of love. Because of that gift, every man on earth has been drawn to God.

However, not all men and women have accepted God’s gracious offer of salvation through the blood of Jesus. That is why the Word of God spells out the consequences of refusing His offer. He says that He will pour out His wrath on the earth because of their refusal (Romans 1:18; 2:5; Colossians 3:6; Revelation 6:16, 17).

So the judgments during the tribulation period will be the result of mankind refusing to accept God’s plea to turn to Him for salvation. Therefore, God has promised to reclaim His created world and His creation. The judgments of God are promised, and they will take place.

God is love, but He is also righteous. It is because of God’s just and righteous self that He can not lie. God promised in His word that He will bring judgment on the world. Then because He said it, you need to believe He will carry it out.

If you have questions or comments, please leave them here. We will get back with you.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Another Question About End Times and Revelation

There are many questions you may have about end times and Revelation. One question might be, “Can one find salvation during the tribulation period?”

The answer to the above question is “Yes,” but salvation during the tribulation period can come with a great price. Jesus teaches about this in His parable of the “Ten Virgins” in Matthew 25.

Five of the virgins brought extra oil, i.e. they found salvation and became the “bride of Christ” before the rapture, in case the bridegroom was delayed. The other five didn’t bring extra oil; therefore, before the bridegroom came, their lamps went out.

The “oil” here represents the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is pictured as water and/or oil. When the offer of salvation came to the five wise virgins, they accepted the offer by faith and received the Holy Spirit.

This “going out of the lamps” of the five foolish virgins can be likened to salvation by the Holy Spirit being offered to every person by faith (Romans 12:3, “To each is given a measure of faith”). These five virgins didn’t accept the offer before Jesus came for His bride. When the bridegroom came, they weren’t ready.

They asked, “Give us some of your oil?” But it was too late, so the virgins left behind were told to go buy some. These virgins could find the Holy Spirit, but it was too late to get them inside for the wedding feast for the “bride.”

Therefore, during the tribulation, you can find the Holy Spirit and become saved; however, you most likely will suffer persecution, hunger, thirst and death if you do not find the Holy Spirit before the tribulation period begins.

If you have questions or comments, please leave them here or send an email!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2 Signs of the Coming Tribulation Period, End Times and Revelation

There are 2 signs that we live near the end times, the coming tribulation period and Revelation. We believe this to be in the very near future. Of course no one is able to predict when any of this can or will happen. There is no way to know when Jesus will come to “catch up” His bride.

The first sign you can find about the end times comes from Matthew 24:6, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. . .” Before the end comes, there will be a world war. It took two world wars to get the Jews into their homeland, Israel. The end times can’t come if the Jews are not living in Israel.

What does the Jews being in Israel have anything to do with end times, the tribulation period or Revelation? Daniel writes that the anti-christ will make a peace pact with the Jews at the outset of the tribulation period (Daniel 9:27). However, in the middle of the seven year covenant of peace, the anti-christ moves his headquarters to Jerusalem.

The second sign Jesus mentions in Israel concerns the anti-christ’s cabinet members erecting a statute of him in the temple, and he will declare an all-out war against the Jews. By now anti-christ is in complete control of the countries of the whole world. The reason this sign is so important is because a one world government looms closer and closer every day.

Revelation is full of signs that the end-times are near. I know you have questions and comments. Leave them here!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do You Think a Blueprint for a Perfect Church Exists

You can find a blueprint for the perfect church in Revelation. Yes, from the chaos of the tribulation period and end times comes a church that will have members from every country of the world. The members will be unified for a single purpose.

Paul teaches that if your church could become like minded, that is, have singleness of purpose, it could indeed explode upon the world scene. Your church could become a great standard for the world.

However, in the book of Revelation you find an evangelist along with his associate who can persuade men and women of the world to follow him. He will have his headquarters in Jerusalem; however, he will not have local churches scattered through the world. He will use the Temple in Jerusalem as his central meeting place.

Their central focus and singleness of purpose will be, “Kill the Jews and Christians.” You can check this out in our book, Why Revelation, Why Now? Get your copy today.

Please leave your questions or comments below. We will respond within a few days.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

If It Were Not Part of the Bible, Revelation Is Still a Great Piece of Literature

Have you ever considered reading revelation because it is a great piece of literature? Even if Revelation were not a part of the Bible, it would be an excellent read.

In the book you can find much action, i.e. horsemen riding out into history to make war, stars falling from the sky, rivers turning to blood, hailstones weighing 100 pounds falling to the earth, islands moving from their stationary positions and one man exercising enough power to control the world.

You want to find a battle between good and evil, the theme of the book is based on good verses evil. Our modern science fiction novels dim in comparison to the imagery in Revelation.

The book is full of figurative language, or could it be literal? “The sun burns seven times hotter,” is one statement from Isaiah about the end times. Could this be true, or is it fictional? If it is true, how can it be possible?

Scientists tell us that when a star burns out, it burns seven times hotter than normal. The indications from Revelation 16 are that the sun is burning out, and people are scorched by the intense heat. How did Isaiah or John know about stars burning out without the help of modern science?

Nowhere else can you find an actual manual for running a church. Chapters 2 and 3 gives you a complete manuscript of what churches should and should not be doing. As Jesus addresses these seven church types, He gives instructions on how to have church!

Yes, even if it isn’t true, Revelation is a most interesting piece of literature. You might consider reading it to experience its literary value. You’ll be glad you did.

Please leave questions or comments. We will respond.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Is the Role of the Church During the Tribulation Period?

Actually, the church will not play a role in the tribulation period. Jesus says in Revelation 3:10, “Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world.”

Jesus is writing to one of the seven church types in this passage. He tells this church type, which is still alive today that He will keep it “from the hour of trial.” The Greek word for “from” is ek, and it means out of not through or from.

Then too, the church will come back with Jesus when the tribulation period of over, Revelation 17:14b, “. . .and those with Him are called, chosen and faithful.” This is the church saints coming back with Jesus. They can’t be on earth during the tribulation period if they come back with Jesus.

Therefore, you can see the church will not take part in the tribulation period. The believers will be raptured just prior to the beginning of the tribulation. There is so much more about the absence of the church during the end. You can find all the answers in our new book, “Why Revelation? Why Now?”

Please leave your questions or comments. We'll will respond to them.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Questions About End Times and Revelation

What questions do you have about end times and Revelations? I will list a few questions to jog your memory. Please ask your questions, and I will answer them as a blog entry. Or you can send me an email, and I will answer your questions personally!

       1) Will I go through the tribulation period?
       2) What must I do to be ready for the tribulation period?
       3) How will Israel fit into the tribulation period?
       4) When does the tribulation period begin?
       5) Where does the anti-christ come from?
       6) How does the anti-christ rise to power over the whole world?
       7) What role will the church play in the tribulation period?
       8) Who are the 144,000 evangelists?
       9) Can anyone become saved during the tribulation period?
     10) What will become of the Jews during the tribulation period?

Please add any question you might have.

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