There are four riders on four different color horses in Revelation 6. All of them play an important role in the history of the end times.
As the color of each horse is significant as to the role of the rider, pale or ashen horse has the name of death and hell attributed to it. The role of this rider was to destroy one-fourth of the earth’s population with war, famine, various kinds of illnesses and wild beasts.
Therefore, the color of this horse must represent something devastating if the rider will destroy nearly six (6) billion people in a very short period of time. Therefore, let’s look closely at the color of this horse.
Accordingly, the color pale or ashen in Greek is “chlorous.” We get our English word, chlorine from this Greek word. Do you begin to see how the rider is able to carry out his task?
Chlorine gas is a very deadly gas capable of mass destruction. Exposure to 430 ppm in the air for 30 minutes will cause death. Voluntary exposure to 1 ppm by humans showed various results of the symptoms listed below.
Several pathological conditions can result from exposure to chlorine gas. Severe pulmonary edema, a condition where excessive fluid buildup occurs between tissue cells, is one condition. Pneumonia is yet another. Multiple pulmonary thromboses, blood clots in the lungs, can occur as well. Along with the above, ulcerative tracheobronchitis can happen, too.
It’s easy to see with huge population exposure to chlorine gas how the rider on the ashen horse can destroy with “various kinds of pestilences and wild beasts.” Many people won’t die right away, but will die of the conditions experienced because of the exposure and by being unable to defend themselves against wild beasts or any attackers.
Therefore, by exposing a densely populated area to the chemical, the pale horse rider can indeed accomplish his goal, i.e. destroy nearly six (6) billion people.
Now, what does color have to do with this rider? Chlorous is green! In Mark 9:39 Jesus told the people to sit on the “green grass.” And in Revelation 9:4 they are told not to destroy any green thing. In both places the word chlorous is used and translated green.
Unless you have the mind of a child, you wouldn’t believe a green horse could come riding out. Most would say, “See there! I told you the Bible can not be real. Whoever heard of a green horse?”
However, the words that modern day translators of the Bible use, “pale or ashen,” connote sickly or deathly. This rider certainly is both of these! The destruction he leaves behind will be horrific.
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