How does the reflection of God’s word express His glory? God’s glory, the sh’khinah Glory of God, visited Moses in the “burning bush” of Exodus 3. From that point on, God’s glory lived with the Children of Israel, and He exhibited His glory to the people as “fire and a cloud.”
From the reflection of God’s word we find that His glory expresses itself. When the tabernacle was set up in the wilderness, God’s glory took up residence over the Cherubim that sat on the mercy seat, Exodus 25:22. From this place of residence, God spoke with His children.
Then in 586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar burned Solomon’s Temple . God’s glory left and returned to heaven until Jesus came in Luke 2. The shepherds saw the glory of God for the first time in over 500 years, and “. . .they were terribly frightened.”
The Bible teaches that Jesus was the exact radiance of God’s glory (Hebrews 1:3). Although Jesus didn’t glow or have a cloud follow Him, the words that Jesus spoke showed you the sh’khinah Glory of God.
Therefore, whenever you reflect on God’s word, the word gets in you. You then begin to behave according to the words that have been revealed to you. Your life changes to match the essence of the glory of God from His word.
So the reflection of God’s word expresses His glory through your using His word as a marker for your life. God’s sh’khinah Glory is revealed every time you show Jesus to the world. His word reflecting from you could indeed guide another to reflect on God’s marvelous glory!