There are 2 signs that we live near the end times, the coming tribulation period and Revelation. We believe this to be in the very near future. Of course no one is able to predict when any of this can or will happen. There is no way to know when Jesus will come to “catch up” His bride.
However, there are two signs about end times, the coming tribulation period and Revelation that Jesus gave us. Several signs that Jesus prophesied have come true; therefore, you can expect that the following two will happen as well. So let’s look at the two signs that talk about His coming back for the church. Although the two signs are not given to predict His coming, they are indicators that we do live in the end times.
The first sign you can find about the end times comes from Matthew 24:6, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. . .” Before the end comes, there will be a world war. It took two world wars to get the Jews into their homeland, Israel . The end times can’t come if the Jews are not living in Israel .
When WWII ended, the United States convinced England to give Israel to the Jews. It was with pressure from the U.S. and other countries that England gave the Jews their homeland where they live today. This transaction happened in 1948, and it was a complete miracle from God. Until this time the Jews hadn’t been in complete control of their land since 586 B.C. when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and burned the city and the temple.
What does the Jews being in Israel have anything to do with end times, the tribulation period or Revelation? Daniel writes that the anti-christ will make a peace pact with the Jews at the outset of the tribulation period (Daniel ). However, in the middle of the seven year covenant of peace, the anti-christ moves his headquarters to Jerusalem .
When there in the Jews’ principal city of worship, the beast will enter into the temple and desecrate it. Since the anti-christ comes to power through diplomacy and by solving the economic woes of a global economy, his complete take over by the middle of the tribulation period brings us to our second sign.
The second sign Jesus mentions in Israel concerns the anti-christ’s cabinet members erecting a statute of him in the temple, and he will declare an all-out war against the Jews. By now anti-christ is in complete control of the countries of the whole world. The reason this sign is so important is because a one world government looms closer and closer every day.
Jesus tells the Jews in Matthew 24:15, when you see the abomination of desolation mentioned by the prophet Daniel standing in the temple—the erecting of the statue to the beast—flee from Jerusalem . Get as far away as you possibly can. Tribulation is coming on you such as has never been experienced in history.
These are only 2 signs of the coming tribulation period, end times and Revelation that would indicate that the times spoken of here are very close, even at the door. There are so many more signs in prophesy and Revelation that you will not wish to miss. We’ve provided a book about all this, Why Revelation? Why Now?. We want you to have a copy of it. So get your copy today.