Sunday, July 2, 2017

Powerless and Unable to Cope

I think you would agree that there are major benefits to be able to control your habits. If you can admit that you have difficulty controlling your tendencies to drink, do drugs or gamble, then you are at the beginning of a new you. That’s the very first step to finding the real person you were designed to be, admitting you lack a bit of control over some of your habits.

Habits will take you places you don’t want to go, keep you longer than you care to stay and cause you to do things you never dreamed that you would do.

You’ve decided that you aren’t controlling chemicals, but rather they are controlling you. What can you do about it? There are good rehab programs available, but there’s usually two things required: one, time and two, money. Many people struggling with addictions, hurts, habits or mistakes, simply can’t take off thirty days or months without pay. Many families can’t help their children who are addicted to chemicals because they don’t have insurance or the money. Rehab facilities are expensive.

Perhaps, you might ask yourself, “How much money can I afford for rehab?” If the answer is, “Very little!” Then, you may have to consider another alternative. Coffey Consulting offers an online, rehabilitation course that you can do at home in your spare time. It is called Choosing Recovery. It has been used successfully with drug addiction, alcoholism, anger management, gambling, in prisons, jails and one-to-one settings.

Howard Coffey is the author of the eBook, and he spent much of his young life struggling with alcoholism. He has taught his course in prisons and jails and in the private sector. He has been helping people involved in chemical dependency, anger issues, abuse, family issues, DUI’s and countless other areas for seven years. Besides, the recovery course is very inexpensive, and you can work at your own pace. Also, you can have support by phone 24/7 in emergencies and from 9 – 5 Monday through Friday, CMT.

Yes, you want to do something about your habits, but this something must fit with your schedule and ability to afford it. Take a look at Choosing Recovery. It may be just the thing you’re hoping for.

As always, if you have questions or comments, we welcome them at We will respond to your requests.