No doubt, whenever you think about the abundant life, you probably think about wealth, health and comfort. Yes, I would agree that the above characteristics are great; however, was that what Jesus referred to whenever he made the statement in John 10:10?
What Makes for Abundant Life
In John 10 Jesus talks about His being the good shepherd. If you follow His teachings here, you can find several ideas leading to the abundant life. (See my article about the Good Shepherd relating to abundant life).
Out of Hell
One thing that you might consider as your abundant life would be getting out of hell and into heaven.No doubt a gift of this kind causes abundant life. Also, it is a super gift and a supreme lifetime.
Not to diminish the beauty of being included with God in heaven, but there are so many things that causes you to live in abundance right here on earth. That's the abundant life Jesus wants you to experience.
Sweet Fellowship
One such part of the abundant life come from fellowship with Jesus. In the Psalm of David, 55:14 you find, "We who had sweet fellowship together, who walked to the house of God in company."To experience a personal relationship with the one who formed the universe and you, must rank high in the category of abundant living. Whenever Jesus walks hand in hand with you, no matter what goes on in your life, abundant life abounds.
I believe the time I have been closer to Jesus was the few days I spend last year lying in a hospital bed. He and I talked more than we had in many days.
I don't recommend that you find him this way, However, I would like for you to realize that he abides with you constantly. Open conversation can take place whenever you like.
Rest in Him
Another part of the abundant life comes whenever you learn to rest in him. In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Learning to rest with Jesus establishes your ministry. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus works through your giftedness and personality to perform the ministry he has called you to do.
You never grow tired of doing the ministry he has called you to do. You may grow weary of doing some task that has been assigned you at church.
Whenever you learn from the Holy Spirit your gift, then from Jesus your ministry, it isn't work. It is REST. (Get my free study on rest).
I'm retired, but I do more ministry than ever. I'm also 75 years old, and I love every minute of my spiritual life with Jesus.
Get the Abundant Life
Yes, the abundant life is available to you right now. It isn't hard to find, and you don't have to work for it.
Living hand in hand with Jesus brings you the pleasures of abundant living. He'll teach you to live in heaven here on earth. You don't have to die to go there!
Nothing is important except the things you do with him. He wants control of all your, business, career, personal, family and spiritual lives.
That's living the abundant life as you rest complete in him.
I'm here to help. If you have questions or comments, leave them below. I'll get back really soon.