Thursday, July 25, 2019

Where Satan Lives: Do You Provide Part of His Residence

Many people do not consider that they provide a place for Satan to live. However, some of us take him with us almost daily.

When we have bad thoughts, act harshly to our family or friends or simply ignore the Holy Spirit's directives we give Satan a place to reside.

Mark 4

Most church attenders are familiar with Mark chapter 4. Jesus tells a parable of the sower. He uses a familiar farm event to teach about a believer's responsibility of telling others about God's word.
Sometimes the seed is devoured by the birds (v 4).

Later, Jesus explains that the birds are Satan. It is he who comes and steals the seed from the hearts of a potential believer.

Later in the chapter, vv 30-34, Jesus gives another parable. This one is about a mustard seed. Although the seed is small, the crop that it produces is large.

 Jesus says in v 30, "The Kingdom of God is like. . ." the mustard seed that is tiny; however, when it reaches full potential, the Kingdom will grow into a large place.

Look in v 32! Living in the Kingdom of God, i.e. the mustard plant, is whom? Had you thought about Satan living in God's kingdom. He even builds his home there.

Satan wants nothing more than to destroy God's Kingdom. His total goal is to eat up the seed sown. He's good at this.

Who Is the Church

Who is the church has a simple answer--YOU. No doubt who the
church is because the Word of God tells us the church is "His body" (Ephesians 1:23).

However, when you think of "church" you picture your church building in your mind. Your church building has nothing to do with the Kingdom of God.

  • it isn't a part of God's Kingdom
  • it didn't exist whenever the Bible was written
  • church buildings didn't exist until after 200 AD
  • God will not call your church building out of the world

Therefore, if Satan lives in the Kingdom of God, he makes his home in you.

Where Does the Church Live

The church (you) lives at the crossroad of a Holy God and a broken world.

Your job, then, consists of supplying solutions to fix a broken world. The purpose of the church has never changed. The place where the church lived has never been in a different neighborhood.

Look at the church at Corinth for example. It lived at the same intersection as your church today.

The Corinthian Church

The church at Corinth had every gift the Holy Spirit could give. So, too, does your church. Your church (you) has every spiritual gift that you will allow the Holy Spirit to give you. Together with other believers, the church possesses all the Spiritual gifts.

However, some believers do not accept that Spiritual gifts exist; therefore, they block the power of the Spirit to work for some of the church. For example many churches would be totally shocked if a member began to speak in tongues.

There's a church in Louisville where refugees from Africa and Mexico meet with English speaking people. The sermon is preached, and two translators are speaking to two parts of the congregation. You bet this church knows what speaking in tongues means.

Even if your church doesn't use the gift of speaking in tongues, you can use them in your prayer language to God. Paul writes in Romans 8:26, "We don't know how to pray." There are times when I'm asked to pray for someone, and I don't know exactly how.

That's one example of when I use tongues to God in my prayer language. The Holy Spirit takes the intents of my heart to God in an understandable language.

Broken people can be fixed by praying in tongues. Broken homes can be repaired by praying in tongues. God knows the intent of your heart, and if the intent of your heart is taken in a prayer language that you don't understand, God knows and answers!

It Isn't Rocket Science

Where the church lives isn't difficult to ascertain. Just go where a believer goes. That's where the church lives.

Remember, Satan builds his home there, too. You have the power of the Holy Spirit to sweep your house clean. Get rid of him, but he will come back at the moment you may least expect.

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Who You Are Isn’t Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.