Tuesday, May 24, 2022

 The Eternal Word

"Forever, O Lord, your word is settled in Heaven" (Psalm 119:89).

Established on Solid Rock

    God's word binds you to Him. His word is established on solid ground. An eternal heaven; therefore, you can totally trust and rely on God's word.

    Consistent with His nature, God didn't place His word on the floods. The new earth won't contain a sea. His word isn't established on the hills and mountains because they will flee away.

    Nothing on earth is solid enough for God to plant His word on. So, God settles His word on something that lasts forever, heaven.

Eternal Order

    Heaven of creation proclaims God's Eternal Order. You, as a believer, see heaven as the spiritual Mecca. It is the place of your spiritual dreams. Your imagination runs wild trying to picture the place Jesus made available to His followers.

    You know and experience moral laws and redemption because of an eternal heaven: God's home, His throne and His temple. Heaven becomes a place where the large and the small can share a common goal together.

    Since God's word has been established on such a stable foundation, you accept that His word can provide infinite provisions. His word has given you a marvelous plan.

His Word Came to Earth

    Over two thousand years ago, God's Word came and dwelt among His people. Jesus the Christ is administrator of God's word for all mankind.

    Because of who the Word is, when one sins, he is direct violation of God's word. Sin is directly opposed to God's word. Sin is diabolically opposed to God's Eternal Order.

    However, Jesus' sacrifice took your sin and cast it into the middle of God's great big nowhere. Christ gave the world salvation that allowed you to become a part of God's Eternal Order where you live eternally with Him.

    Because His word is established forever in heaven, it makes faith grow. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).

    Therefore, today, allow God's word to be settled in you. Begin to live and walk in His Eternal Order. Not only will His word be established forever, but you will, too! Take hold of God's eternal word today. Be settled in heaven as well as His word.



PS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. It makes a good reading for any study group. Check it out here. Or you can email us for your copy.

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