No Battle Comes Close!
There’s a battle coming. If one combined, all the chaos, death, carnage and destruction of WWI and WWII, the consequences cannot be compared to this final war. The coming battle, which the whole world will face, has never seen comparison. The majority of the battle will only last three and one-half years!
Jesus said it best, “It is a time of tremendous desolation as has never been seen or will be seen again” (Matthew 11:24 Paraphrased). Jeremiah called it the time of Jacob’s Trouble.
In this heinous destruction, over one-half of the earth’s population will be destroyed. The final battle will see the enemy of two-hundred million soldiers slain. The topography of the world will be drastically changed.
During the pandemonium of this war, men will beg to die rather than face the calamity. Once it begins, death will be the only way out for most. Yet, many will go through the rage, suffer all the atrocities of the battle only to be condemned to hell when it ends.
When will it take place? Can we prepare to defend ourselves against this horrific time? Will you be able to escape such devastation that is planned for the world?
These questions and more are answered in the book, Prepare for Battle. The author gives steps to take before, during and in the midst of the Battle, which is planned so that the Title Deed of the earth will return to God. Yes, that is the purpose of the tribulation. God wants to restore His creation to Himself. Why? Adam gave God’s creation away.
The author hopes the book causes the reader to contemplate his destiny, to face the reality of being reticent about his salvation and to give him confidence to Prepare for Battle.
The above is the back cover of my new book. the book is available on Amazon. It explains in detail how the Tribulation Period will be and offers some suggestions how to prepare to keep yourself alive during this turbulent time in history.
Why Will There Be a Battle?
Throughout Biblical History, prophets have proclaimed the coming of a battle to end the fight between good and evil. It will be a time when God's wrath will be poured out on unbelievers as well as a time for God to reshape the earth. God makes provisions for every person to join His magnificent kingdom. However, not everyone decides to believe that He means what he says.
Adam, the first man God created, gave God's creation to Satan. Since that time, there has been a constant struggle for man to perform the way God created Him to act. He was to simply be a member of God's family. That's why God created man. He wanted a family whom He could love and in turn receive love from His creation.
God put man in charge of His creation, the earth. Man has so abused the earth that the Tribulation Period will indeed reshape God's creation to His intent and purpose as well as allow Him to reclaim the title deed to it.
Prepare for Battle
My new book explains all the above information and much, much more about the Tribulation Period and events that lead up to it. Also, in the book are given ways that will help you escape the coming mayhem and destruction. It also gives tips on how you might be able to survive as a believer during the world's darkest hour.
The book will become a manual for survival for much of mankind. It will be a book that will be read over and over to be sure you get things right in your life and with God.
Yes, a battle is coming. You have time now to prepare. Find out how to make preparations as God will indeed reshape and revive Planet Earth.
Be Blessed,
Howard Coffey
PS: Our next novel, Prepare for Battle, has been published. The novel is about the Tribulation Period and the horrific events that will take place during the time of God's wrath. Check it out here. Or you can email us for your copy.
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