Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Call to Holiness—Walk in It

Since you are called to be holy, why not walk in it? Holiness isn't being good. It isn't just for saints. Holiness is for all believers in Jesus Christ.

Holy means to be set apart, the called out ones. Paul addresses the church in Rome as, "called as saints" (Romans 7:1). Therefore, it appears that all who are called are saints.

A Commandment

One of the commandments is, “Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy,” (Exodus 20:8).
Of course, I know you are not under law but under grace, (Romans 6:14).

However, does Romans 6:14 negate God’s plans? You can keep the sabbath day without putting yourself under law.

There’s still a Sabbath Rest. It’s a rest, a condition whereby you walk as loosely to God as you possibly can. You are overcoming the enemy, defeating sin in your life, communing with God constantly (pray without ceasing, 1 Thessalonians 5:17) you are doing ministry like crazy—good ministry--that you know you can’t do on your own, and God is in total control of it all. That’s what Sabbath Rest looks like. (If you would like a free, online study on rest? ==>Go here.

Holiness, my friends, is a major part of your Sabbath Rest experience. Without holiness, you cannot reach this level.

God is Holy

Look at this! The Bible teaches us that God is holy. Look at Revelation 4:8 with me, “And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, “Holyholyholy is the Lord God, the Almightywho was and who is and who is to come.

The Bible also says, “. . .Be ye holy for I the Lord God am Holy,” (Leviticus 11:44b)
Therefore, it stands to reason that if you are going to walk with the Lord in Sabbath Rest, then one requirement is to walk in holiness. This is not an “under law” statement; rather, an entering into a state of condition. Jesus makes you holy. You have direct access to the throne of grace.

The condition you are seeking is to bring your physical body—still unredeemed if you can read and hear this—under subjection to this state of holiness. This way your walk matches your spiritual condition given you by your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


What is holiness? I believe it to be a place where sin isn’t allowed. It’s a conditional place where sin cannot touch. I say this because God lives in such a place, and he tells you to be holy because he is holy. If he expects holiness, then you can live and walk in holiness with the power of the Holy Spirit as your guide.

“Oh, but you don’t understand what my world is like,” you begin complaining inside your mind whenever you hear that you are to live holy.

Another excuse you make is, “God never can expect me to live holy. I can’t do my job without cussing someone.” Notice I preface this with an excuse.

God cannot sin; however, we on the other hand in our fallen state inherited from brother Adam, we have sin all around.

Therefore, God sent into this mess of a world; first, his law, second, his word.

The Law

The law was in physical form to show the world how to follow God’s holiness. While the word came bodily and later in written form. Its purpose was to show the world and sin that they couldn’t dictate to you how you behave. Sin and the world no longer were your master because the living word came into this mess called God’s creation.

Look at what John writes about this living word in 1:9-10, “There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.”

True Light

John tells us that this true light, a light that teaches the world how to shine holiness into its darkness, shines on every man. However, the men of the world sometimes can’t see the light. If you wonder why the world acts as it does, there’s your answer—it refuses to see the light.

When you walk in the light, you dismiss the influences of the world. You use God’s living word helping you walk in a state of holiness. Along the way you learn to defeat sin (our enemy) (Redemptive Rest). You learn to clean out your land (Canaan Rest). Then you walk so closely with the Lord in holiness (Sabbath Rest).

Sabbath Journey
A “Sabbath day journey” is used often in scripture as a measure between two towns. For instance, Bethany was a Sabbath day journey from Jerusalem.

Other than being a handy distance reference, the Sabbath journey prohibited a Jew from traveling further from home, approximately 2/3rds of our mile, from evening of Friday until evening (when three stars appeared in the sky) on Saturday evening, for the Sabbath journey. Physically, those living around the Jews could observe that there was no travel by them on the Sabbath day.

God through his servant, Moses, told his people, Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord. And do not touch what is unclean;
And I will welcome you,
” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

The Sabbath journey would physically show the Jews as separate. They didn’t do work on this day. They didn’t travel of this day. There was no smoke coming out of their chimneys during the time of the Sabbath. It would be easy to observe these physical things by anyone watching. The neighbors could see that the clothes were not hung on the line on the Sabbath.

In Essence

You want to be holy because God is holy. You have every desire to be as close to him as you can get. You can be separate without putting yourself or your neighbor under the law.

God chose you because you have purpose and potential. He walks with you through the power of his Holy Spirit. You can do all things through Christ Jesus. It is he who gives you your strength.

I'm here to help. If you have questions or wish to leave comments, there's a place at the end of each article for you to do so. I'll get back really soon!



PS: A complete study on your freedom through rest can be had from B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us for your free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.


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