Saturday, December 18, 2021

How Does The Tribulation Begin?

    As the Tribulation begins, Jesus opens the seals that are wrapped around the scroll. The scroll is the title deed to the earth. When he opens the first seal, a rider on a white horse rides out to conquer. He has a bow, but there are no arrows for the bow. Therefore, he will conquer countries in conventional warfare and in unconventional ways as well.

    Many theologians today believe he will wage war using economic measures. The following verses would so indicate. Yes, it is true that inflation follows in the path of war. Things do get higher; however, look at how much inflation rises when the Tribulation begins.


   In Revelation 6;5-6 we read, When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.  Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages,[b] and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

    Inflation really takes a huge leap when the third seal is broken. Look at the price of a loaf of bread, a day's wages. Today, the minimum wage is $7.50 per hour--twice this in California. At $7.50 per hour, a loaf of bread will cost $30.00 (one pound of flour). The cost of a loaf of bread today is about $2.54. Ten years ago it was $1.06. Inflation has eaten away at our pocketbooks. However, inflation will take the prices much higher within the next few years.

    However, prices are begining to skyrocket especially meat. If the trend continues, inflation may be a springboard for the antichrist to begin his run on history. He will be able to conquer the world. The whole world will be ruled by a monarch for nearly seven (7) years.

    Inflation can cause a majority of the people of the world to go hungry. People will have to choose wheither to buy medicines that they must have or food which is imperative that they have. Inflation will cause a huge separation in the social classes. There will be little middle class left. Most of the middle and lower classes will merge into the lower class. The upper class will continue to grow wealthy if they can stay alive.


    When the second seal was broken, people began to kill one another. The rider on the "red horse" rode out to make war. He took peace from the earth. This rider carried a large sword.

    Then, as the fourth seal is broken, things really heat up on earth. The rider on the "pale" horse causes one-fourth of the earth's population to be destroyed. There are 7.9 billion people on the earth today, December, 2021. One-fourth of 7.9 billion would be nearly 2 billion people. What could kill 2 billion people quickly?

    The word "pale" is actually chlorous in Greek. The horse is green; however, most translations render it pale or ashen because no one has seen a green horse running about the pastures. We get our English word chlorine from the above word.

    Chlorine gas explains how 2 billion people can be anhilated quickly. Chlorine is a deadly gas. Placed in a water supply or dropped by bombs onto densly populated areas could indeed cause massive deaths among the earth's population.

    Yes, the Tribulation Period will cause much suffering. However, we are warned ahead of time. We can do something to prevent our joining in the suffering. Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Become a part of His church. His church will be taken out before the Tribulation Period begins.



PS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. It makes a good reading for any study group. Check it out here. Or you can email us for your copy.

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