Monday, May 23, 2011

Can An Individual Predict Judgment Day?

Recently, an old reverend decided he had figured out when the rapture of the church would occur. With all due respects to the old gentlemen, time proved him to be wrong.

Why was he wrong? The answer is quite simple, no one can predict when God will send Jesus back to get His church.

In Matthew 24:36 Jesus tells you, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” To me this message is pretty plain. no one but God knows when Jesus will return to rapture or “catch up” His body, the church.

Through out history many have claimed to know when the rapture will occur. There is one religion who claims that the rapture has already occurred. However, all these claims are unfounded. The rapture is the next thing on God’s agenda regarding mankind.

After the rapture, you can know when Jesus will return to earth for the second time. He will touch down in Bozra (modern day Turkey), and He will come to save God’s chosen people, the Jews.

The timeframe for this coming will be, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days. . . the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. . .” (Matthew 24:29, 30). As soon as the tribulation ends, the seven years of Jacob’s trouble prophesied by Daniel, , the earth will see Jesus coming for His second appearance on earth.

If someone tells you that the rapture will occur at such and such a time, don't believe them. Only God knows for sure. The main thing is that you know for sure that if someone happens to guess it right that you are ready to meet Jesus in the air!

Please ask your questions and leave your comments here. We will get back with You.

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