The Bible calls her Babylon , however, the text is actually about the rise and fall of the Old Roman Empire (Revelation 17, 18). That’s right! You will see a renewal of the old empire that ruled the known world at that time.
When the rise of the Old Roman Empire begins, it will have 7 years before it will fall again. The concept of an emperor from one of the Old Roman countries seems far fetched; however, the Bible predicts the events.
The anti-christ comes on the scene at the beginning of the tribulation period. He comes from one of a federated nation of 10 nations in the Old Roman Empire. Revelation 6:1, 2 gives you the beginning of this emperor’s reign. He rides into history on a white horse looking like one of the good guys.
In his hand you find a bow, and he has a crown. He goes forth “conquering, and to conquer.” However, he doesn’t have an arrow for his bow. Therefore, this king will use non-conventional warfare, which most likely will be through economic reforms. Could the countries of the world use economic reforms today?
However, this king conquers three (3) of the Old Roman Empire nations (Daniel -26). At the end three-and-one-half (31/2) years, he turns his attention to the whole world and conquers it. At this time the new king of the world will turn against the Jewish people and Christians (Matthew 24:16-22). He will have them killed unless they worship him (Revelation 14:9-12).
Yet then in Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation, you read about the destruction of “Babylon ,” an economy, a religious system and a representation of the Old Roman Empire. When she has outlived her usefulness, she crumbles. The powerful world emperor can not hold her together.
Many more details for this exists, and you may find them in an article in Ezine Articles by Howard Coffey.
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