I published my first novel today, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd. The novel finds Rufus, a character mentioned in the Bible first as his dad, Simon of Cyrene, carries Jesus' cross up Golgotha hill. Until this Rufus has been a shepherd for his father in Cyrene. As a lad of 16 he becomes so proficient at his job that he earns the distinction of "Master Shepherd."
He meets Jesus as Jesus is chasing the sellers and buyers out of the Temple. Rufus is drawn to Jesus, and he meets Christ later at Bethany. From that point on, Rufus is sold out to the cause of this New Way.
He begins to establish churches near Jerusalem since his father and mother have a small inheritance near the city. He can use their home as a headquarters for his operation. He and Matthias soon have such a large circuit of churches that all their time is spent in developing house churches and spreading the good news.
The writer of Hebrews address these very churches in his letter. The churches were located near Jerusalem, but were not in Jerusalem. We know this because the author writes, "You have not yet resisted to the shedding of blood," (Hebrews 12:4). The Jerusalem church had already lost James and Stephen by the time the book of Hebrews is written.
The author of Hebrews encourages the churches near Jerusalem to continue to assemble. Don't quit and return to the Levitical System of Worship because there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin under this way of worship.
The book of Hebrews along with Jesus' statement in Luke 21:20, "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize her desolation is near." Convinced the members of these churches not to return to Jerusalem. When Jerusalem burned in 70 AD, historians of the time reported that no believing Jews were among the 1.2 million people killed in the event.
Although my novel is fictional, it does contain some historical and religious truths. I follow a timeline that suggests that Christ was crucified in 30 AD. From my viewpoint, the 30 AD crucifixion fits best.
If you are interested in reading the novel, you can get a copy at https://www.amazon.com/dp/1694084043 I believe you will enjoy the book. Rufus goes from a shepherd of flocks to a shepherd of believers. He faces trials and tribulations along the way, but he remains firm in his beliefs.
When the heat from Jerusalem's plight becomes too great, Rufus and his family go to Rome. He is in Rome while Paul is imprisoned for the last time. Rufus meets a young Priscilla, a Roman girl, and he falls in love.
Now he is faced with a dilemma, Marry and return to Cyrene and the farm, or continue in ministry and face possible death. Only he can make the decision.
Who You Are Isn't Based on
Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.
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