Friday, November 22, 2019

Final Trumpet Sound--The Seventh Trumpet--Revelation--Part 4

We've reached the last Trumpet Judgment, the seventh. There has been massive destruction on the earth as God poured out his wrath with each trumpet blast. The Seventh Trumpet Judgment prepares the way for Christ to return.

Although there remain seven more judgments, the bowl judgments, John tells us that the real rider on the white horse is coming, and he shall reign forever and ever. I believe you can conclude from John's ending that the trumpet judgments and the bowl judgments run concurrently or really close together in order for the end to come when they finish.

Let's look at when the last trumpet sounds.

You learned from the Sixth Trumpet Judgment the major causes for these horrendous judgments:
    Man made goods
are a few of the things that has brought on the wrath of God. However, God's time clock ran down. It is time for him to reclaim his creation and his chosen family. Let's see what takes place next.

The Seventh Trumpet Sounds

When the seventh trumpet sounds, you find that you are at the end of the tribulation period. The tribulation is over, and Jesus is ready to make his second appearance on earth.

You might say, "Well, what about his appearing for the rapture. Wasn't that his second coming?"

It was for the church; however, it wasn't an earthly touchdown. The church rose to meet him in the air:
    dead arose first
    those believers and followers of Jesus who are still alive left second
However, Jesus waited for them above. He didn't come back to earth, and he doesn't return to planet earth until the seventh trumpet and the seventh bowl judgments take place.

Let's look at the details of this last trumpet judgment.

When the last trumpet sounds, John hears loud voices in heaven claiming, "It is over!"

God's kingdom has come and will last forever and ever (Revelation 10:15). It is at this time that the real rider on the white horse shows up.

"But wait!" You say. "There's still seven bowl judgments left. It isn't time for Jesus to return!"

I believe that the events of the Seal Judgments, the Trumpet Judgments and the Bowl Judgments happen so closely together that John puts them in a semblance of order; yet, all the while the judgments are running almost simultaneously. John simply can't write them as fast as they are happening. Remember, most of these judgments take place over a three-and-one-half year period.

The end that is shown here is nearly the same as the end that is shown in Revelation 19. Christ returns to earth to save God's chosen people, the Jews. Who, by the way, are up against it. An army of two hundred million are after only a small number of defenseless Jews backed up against the Mount of Olives (Zachariah 14).

There's a huge praise and worship session that breaks out  in heaven when those there observe the end. the twenty-four elders of verse 18 represent saints from both dispensations, 12 elders of the Old Testament believers and 12 elders for the New Testament believers. These saints in heaven praise God because with his great power he begins to reign and judge. He brings judgment on those who have destroyed the earth with their worship of other gods:
    Never accepting God's grace
    Don't know Jesus
These are only a few things that came in the way of these unbelievers.

The Results

In the temple in heaven God reveals to John the real Ark of the Covenant. Remember that God told Moses to make the Ark of the Covenant exactly as he saw the Ark in heaven. God showed Moses a pattern that he wanted Moses to build (Exodus 25:9; Acts 7:44).

The ark represented God's covenant(s) with humans:
    The Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12-15).
    The Palestinian Covenant (Exodus 19-20).
    The New Covenant through Jesus (Luke 22:20).
    The Eternal Order covenant (Revelation 19-22).
These covenants were unconditional covenants. The covenants were made with his people, the Jews and the Church. Notice that the law isn't one of the covenants mentioned. The law served its purpose for a period of time. Also, the law was a conditional covenant, and then a new, unconditional covenant was made through Jesus.

Notice that the Seventh Trumpet Judgment brings a great earthquake and hailstones. There's a really neat scripture stored away in the book of Job that says, "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of distress, for the day of war and battle?" (38:22-23).

Also, huge hailstones fall from the sky as the hail fell in Egypt when Moses went to rescue the people from slavery. The hailstones weighed up to 100 pounds. Imagine one of those hitting you on the head.

Zachariah describes the earthquake in his book, 14:4. The Mount of Olives will be split so that God's remnant of Jews can escape the huge army that tries to annihilate them.

All the Seal and Trumpet Judgments

We've looked at all the seven seal and seven trumpet judgments. The study has taken place over the last blog entries.

Soon we will finish all the judgments by looking at the final seven judgments, the Bowl Judgments.

I'm here to help. If you have questions or comments, please leave them below. I'll get back soon.



PS: A complete study on Revelation and the judgments is available at B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel has been published. You can get your copy here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

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