Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How the Holy Spirit Works Through Your Personality and Giftedness

If you have followed Jesus for any length of time, you know that the Holy Spirit works through your personality and giftedness. You can become so effective as a minister in your own world. No, you don't have to become a preacher. You simply follow the Holy Spirit. He will show you exactly the ministry you are created for.

If you don't know your gift, we can furnish a spiritual analysis test. When you are finished with it, you can either send it back for answers or you can determine your gifts from it by yourself. Knowing your gift(s) and ministry(ies) can allow you to walk closely with the Holy Spirit and have a truly personal relationship with Jesus.

Become a Disciple

Another reason to become a disciple of Jesus is to allow him to work freely in you. Jesus desires to work through your giftedness and personality. He wants you to rest, complete in Him.

According to your purpose above and the Bible, God created you for good works (Ephesians 2:10) when or if you become a believer,

However, how do you know what your “good works” are? When God created you, He had purpose for your life. Then he gives you the potential to carry out your purpose. He knows exactly what your ministry and giftedness is.

God matches your gift(s) and your personality so that your ministry fits. When you give the Holy Spirit control of your life, you will do the good works for which you were created.
Explanations of how you know what your ministry is can sometimes defy words. When a man is called to preach, he knows it was the Holy Spirit that spoke to him. The same thing could happen in your ministry.

Yet, there are men and women who seem to do several things before finding the exact fit for ministry. Some ministers have made a career of the Armed Services before becoming pastors. Others finish a career in business or politics or car salesmen or production workers before they find their calling.
I have known two drug addicts whom God called to preach. You may know of a minister who came out of the sex/drug world before he became obedient to God.

God Will Use You

God can use anyone. He has called everyone, but not all answer the call. In the world today, there are over seven-billion people. 2.1 billion (2,100,000,000) are practicing Christians. That is not a great percentage of practicing believers.

How effective are our churches in the world today? Looks as if the church isn’t a really effective tool at spreading the gospel. Remember, you are the church. The building where you worship is just that—a building! If the church is ineffective, then it comes down to you and me, doesn’t it?

In a scripture used above from Ephesians 2:10, you are God’s “workmanship.” Another word for workmanship could be “masterpiece.” You truly are a one-of-a-kind creation. Nothing or no one can ever be you. God created you specifically for a ministry.

All that is necessary for you to do is give in to the Holy Spirit. God will never force you to do ministry. That’s why I believe he places you in ministry that fits you.

Learn Rest

When you learn to rest, complete in the ministry God designed for you, you will do marvelous work for the Kingdom. No! You are never on a performance basis with Jesus. He loves you if you never do a single ministry. However, think of all that his Kingdom lacks if you don’t fulfill your ministry goals? Get our study on rest ==>go here!

Remember, Jesus desires to work through your giftedness and personality. He created you for good works. Let the Holy Spirit direct your ministry while you rest.

I'm always here to help. If you have questions or comments, please leave them below. I'll get back as soon as possible. Also, take advantage of our free studies. They are available to anyone, and they really are FREE!



PS: A complete study on your freedom through rest can be had from B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us for your free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

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