Are We Close to the End?
Not every one believes we are living in the end times. However, I do! I think science is beginning to become a true indicator of this. Our world farmers have nearly reached their peak performance. This summer there was a shortage of grain to feed the 7.9 billion people in the world.
Because of the growing world population, our land and seas cannot produce enough to sustain life. Therefore, I believe that soon (can't possibly predict the number of years remaining) THE TRUMPET will sound, and the voice of the Archangel will be heard. Are you ready?
When the End Comes
So what if this is the end? Are you ready? Are you in or out? Of the 7.9 billion people in the world, only seven percent of them are truly believers. Even if the believers do number 12% as some optimists claim, that still leaves billions who will be left after the rapture.
The number of believers is so slight, most of those left won't notice that we are gone! How can you be sure you will be taken in the rapture? KEEP READING.
Circumstances of Inheritance?
One sure answer to my question from the last paragraph: LIVE IN YOUR INHERITANCE RATHER THAN YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES.
To know what I mean, look with me at Joshua 6:1-3. "Now Jericho was tightly shut because of the sons of Israel; no one went out and no one came in. The Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and the valiant warriors.'"
Joshua's Circumstance
Joshua stood in site of the strongest, fortified city in the land of Canna. The walls of Jericho were the tallest of any city. He had never fought a battle where he had to scale or break down walls. He had no knowledge of or prior experience of how to get through the walls into the city.
Further, he had no equipment, battering rams, rock slingers or dirt movers. If he surveyed his circumstances, they told Joshua that he couldn't possibly conquer Jericho.
However, Joshua wasn't living by circumstances. He was living in his inheritance. His inheritance was the Land of Canna. God promised Joshua that he would take the land. The land was his! He didn't look at the circumstances before him, but he lived in his inheritance, "I have given Jericho into your hand (v 2b above).
His Inheritance
Although the circumstances set before him looked bleak, Joshua didn't notice them. He lived in his inheritance. He walked in Canaan Restₗ. His inheritance wasn't the task at hand. His inheritance was the promises of God, "I have given Jericho into your hand."
He walked in his inheritance, did exactly as the Lord directed him and walked in the power of the Spirit of the Lord as He gave direction.
Your Inheritance
Are you walking in your circumstances? God has promised you all the blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:29), "If you be Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promises. What promises? The very promises he gave to Abraham!
The covenant with Abraham is the very inheritance that Joshua and the rest of the Old Testament saints walked in. They walked in the promises that God gave Abraham. God's covenant with Abraham covers you. It is your heritance. No mater what circumstances your see before you, forget them and walk in your inheritance.
Right now tell your circumstances, "Finances, sickness, poverty, lack of food or a place to live, in the name of Jesus, I no longer live in my circumstances. I have an inheritance that is sure. I'm walking in God's inheritance right to the end!" Soon, just as Joshua found, circumstances are no match for your inheritance. The walls of circumstances will come tumble down as you walk around them.
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