Matthew 16:1-4.
Doesn't it seem that everywhere Jesus goes, members of the Sanhedrin, Pharisees and Sadducees, seem to find him. These groups of religious fanatics constantly badger him. As is the case in our scripture above.
Jesus had just prior to this fed 4,000 people with seven loaves and a few small fish. His miracle took place out of necessity. The crowd had been following him for three days (16:32, and he had been healing their infirmities (15:30-31). So, Jesus asked His disciples, ". . .I don't want to send them away hungry," (15:32).
Well, the disciples panicked, "No way can we feed all these people. We can't do that! Where would we get enough bread to feed this many people."
Jesus simply asked them to take inventory of the food supply that they had. I think He often asks you and me, "How much power is in your tank. Are you below empty. Remember, I can fill your tank with all the power you need."
Right after this event, they continue to travel along the Sea of Galilee. It is at some point in their travel that the members of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to Jesus to test him (16:1). They were brazen enough to ask Jesus to show them a sign from heaven. Jesus had been healing the blind, the lame and other maladies that people can acquire in the previous chapter. These religious leaders had to know about all these signs. Then, it begs the question, Where did they think all these signs came from?
In chapter 12 of Matthew's gospel, the religious leaders accuse Jesus of doing signs by Beelzebub. So, it may be safe to assume, that these leaders facing Jesus today to test him, were saying that His signs came from hell. "We want you to show us a sign from heaven," they tell Jesus.
As was His usual repertoire, Jesus turns their question on them. He gives them signs that they know. If the sky is red at sunset, then there will be good weather tomorrow. It the sky is red at sunrise, then there could be storms (vv 2-3).
Jesus tells these pompous leaders, "You know how to predict the weather, but you have no idea the times that you are seeing before your eyes. I'm about to do something that will change mankind forever. You can know about it because you are learned in the ways of God, but you don't know how to discern the facts of God's plans" (v 3b paraphrased).
Next, Jesus tells them the only sign they will get from Him is the sign of Jonah. That was a sign from heaven that they would understand. Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of a fish. These leaders would know this account from their Torah. However, they would be unable to grasp the significance of the words as they related to Jesus. Jesus would spend three days and three nights in the belly of the earth. He, too, would come out alive. Not only would he be alive, but He would provide life to every man on earth who would come to Him in faith believing that He was the Lord of all.
Matthew 16:13-20.
Finally, Jesus and his followers come to Caesarea Philippi at the northeast end of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus asks a question of his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" (v 13b).
His followers began to answer, "Some say John the Baptist; and others Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets" (v 14).
Then, Jesus does with them as He does with you and me. He gets really personal and asks, "But who do yourselves say that I am?" (v. 15).
We, who have been baptized, know the answer to this question. We were asked to repeat these words before the minister baptized us. Peter answers and says, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (v. 16).
Jesus then tells Peter, the rest of His followers and us that Peter's answer is spirit breathed. This confession cannot come from man, it can only come from the Holy Spirit.
Jesus uses Peter's confession to make a huge declaration. He tells Peter, "That you are Peter (little rock), and upon this rock (huge, mountainous size rock) I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it" (v. 18. Words in parenthesis are the authors).
As the influence of the church declines more and more every day, it appears that Satan is winning. The gates of Hell are wreaking havoc on our churches. However, God is always in control. Paul says, "For when I am weak, I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10b).
Satan wants you to believe the church is shrinking and growing weaker. However, you need to begin to confess, "My church is mighty for battle. It will overcome the enemy. My church will have powerful influence in my community." Then, began acting as though the words are true. Faith comes from hearing the word. Repeat this confession to yourself every day.
No, the religious leaders of Jesus' day couldn't relinquish Him of His power. Neither can the ones today destroy your church. Keep the faith because revival is coming. I believe this! Will you agree with me in prayer?
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Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.
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