Sunday, December 12, 2010

If It Were Not Part of the Bible, Revelation Is Still a Great Piece of Literature

Have you ever considered reading revelation because it is a great piece of literature? Even if Revelation were not a part of the Bible, it would be an excellent read.

In the book you can find much action, i.e. horsemen riding out into history to make war, stars falling from the sky, rivers turning to blood, hailstones weighing 100 pounds falling to the earth, islands moving from their stationary positions and one man exercising enough power to control the world.

You want to find a battle between good and evil, the theme of the book is based on good verses evil. Our modern science fiction novels dim in comparison to the imagery in Revelation.

The book is full of figurative language, or could it be literal? “The sun burns seven times hotter,” is one statement from Isaiah about the end times. Could this be true, or is it fictional? If it is true, how can it be possible?

Scientists tell us that when a star burns out, it burns seven times hotter than normal. The indications from Revelation 16 are that the sun is burning out, and people are scorched by the intense heat. How did Isaiah or John know about stars burning out without the help of modern science?

Nowhere else can you find an actual manual for running a church. Chapters 2 and 3 gives you a complete manuscript of what churches should and should not be doing. As Jesus addresses these seven church types, He gives instructions on how to have church!

Yes, even if it isn’t true, Revelation is a most interesting piece of literature. You might consider reading it to experience its literary value. You’ll be glad you did.

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1 comment:

  1. I was always taught that the book is named Revelations, not Revelation. And yes, it is fascinating reading!
