Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Revelation 13--A Beast, Dragon or an Ordinary Person

When you look at Revelation 13, you begin to ask questions. Does the beast look like a dragon, or is he an ordinary person? Does he really come out of the sea, or is he found among humanity? This article attempts to answer your questions concerning him.

The Seashore

The Dragon stood on the sand of the seashore. In thinking about the word "seashore", is this beside a real sea, or could it be metaphorically speaking that he stands in the multitudes of peoples? 

Sometimes the word "sea" in the Bible can indicate people or society rather than a body of water. However and when possible, the Roman army loved to come out of the sea from boats. Maybe John sees the dragon on a real seashore and the beast literally coming out of the sea. Just a thought—don’t know for sure.
Another possibility for sea, the Jews believed the dragon to be Leviathan who lived in the sea. Isaiah 27:1, In that day the Lord will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, With His fierce and great and mighty sword, Even Leviathan the twisted serpent; And He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea.”

The Dragon

Who is the dragon?  Revelation 12:9 tells you that the dragon is Satan. In the previous chapter Revelation 12:3, “Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.”
Then in verse 9 of chapter 12, the dragon is identified, “And the great dragon was thrown                  down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan. . .”
 “The Dragon” is mentioned 13 times in Revelation alone. Here, the dragon has been thrown out of heaven. Some believe that he never was in heaven that a just God couldn’t allow him to be there
However, how can he be kicked out during the middle of the tribulation period if he were                never there? Therefore, the dragon is none other than Satan.

What is Satan’s Role Today

                He rules our world system
                He isn’t a god; therefore, he has no God characteristics
                He can only imitate the real God
                Therefore, throughout this chapter we see him trying to duplicate the Holy Trinity.
                Don’t you think it would be great if the dragon came into yours and my life looking like
                                a dragon or beast?
                However, here in John’s version, Satan stands on the seashore described as a dragon

The Beast from the Sea

Out of the sea, or from among the peoples, Satan brings a representative of himself.
                The beast has:
                                10 horns             
                                  7 heads 10 horns and 7 heads appear to be its several powers
                                10 diadems—crowns represent it’s power  v 4 they worship the dragon
                                                because he gives his authority to the beast (Matthew 4:9)
                                Blasphemous names written on his heads oppose the glory of God by
                                                promoting idolatry—the people will worship the dragon and the beast
                                                voluntarily at first later, everyone will be forced to worship him
 One of his heads receives a fatal wound (death). However, he recovers somehow, miraculously. This recovery or resurrection imitates the resurrection of Jesus. 
Satan can only lie and mock what God does. Jesus says that Satan was a liar from the beginning.      However, this resurrected person cannot give life as our resurrected Lord can.

John Describes the Beast

Think about this. If the beast looks like an ogre, would they follow him? Could it be that the beast looks like a regular man? I wish Satan came in a red suit with a pitchfork in his hand and a long pointed tail. However, he doesn’t look like a beast, does he? He only acts like one! he comes in our thoughts. 
You're sitting in church and instead of listening to the sermon, you think, “If this guy (the preacher) doesn’t hurry, I’m going to starve to death the chicken will get cold, all the chicken will be gone off the buffet down at XYZ Restaurant.
You see, he doesn’t want you to listen to the word on Sunday. It’s ok for you to come to church, but the message isn’t for you. It’s for sister or brother so and so! The same happens here. 
John describes the beast as a leopard, a bear and a lion.
However, Daniel describes this beast in 7:1-8, “In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel saw in a dream and visions in his mind as he lay on his bed; then he wrote the dream down and related the following summary of it.

Daniel's Report

Daniel said, “I was looking in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. And four great beasts were coming up
from the sea, different from one another. The first was like a lion (Babylon and Belshazzar) and         had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from
the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it. And
behold, another beast, a second one, resembling a bear (Medo-Persia and Cyrus). And it was
raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and thus they said to             it, ‘Arise, devour much meat!’ After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard,
(Greece and Alexander the Great)  which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, (Alexander’s 4 generals)  and dominion was given to it. After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, (Rome and Caesar Augustus) dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and  trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts.” (words in parenthesis are the author's).
Daniel’s beast had ten horns, but three were destroyed leaving 7. That’s how our beast appeared to John, it had 7 horns, amazing after all those years had passed since Daniel had his vision, John has nearly the same vision!

One Government--One Church

I think John's description of these beasts depicts the ability of the beast to move and conquer.            Before this chapter is over, he will rule the world. Further, he will rule over a one world church.
I believe that having only one church denomination would create universal power for the leader of a one world church. Also, I would point out that although the beasts are pictured in reverse in Revelation as compared to Daniel, I believe there is an explanation for this reversal, also. John saw them after their time in history. Daniel saw them prior to their historical appearance. John looks backwards in history while Daniel looks forward in history.
Besides, notice that Daniel’s beasts are men in history. Why, then, wouldn’t John’s beast be a man in history?

A Great Praise and Worship

When the people see his miraculous recovery from apparent death, they praise him and worship him and the dragon.
Notice that no one makes them worship these two impostors. The people praise (they say, who is like the beast, and who can make war with him) the dragon of their own free will.
Because of this miracle and the beast’s ability to speak well, he is given authority over the whole world. Notice however. God is in Control! Even though the beast or the antichrist rules the world, God still controls everything.
The antichrist’s power is limited to 42 months, 1260 days by the Jewish calendar or 3-1/2 years. He can’t harm the remnant of Jews chapter 12 whom God hides in the wilderness.
                His end is predictable—i.e. 42 months
                He can’t touch the 144000 Jewish evangelists of chapter 7, either

He Captures the World

                He was given authority from Satan
                He overcomes the saints, most likely kills them
                He captures the whole world, every tribe and people and tongue and nation
                All who dwell on earth will worship him   one church   one denomination

However, All  Is Not Lost

                Remember, God is in control
                The new kingdom lasts only 42 months
                Then the end comes quickly for the Satanic ruler

At This Point

The beast or antichrist comes on the scene in an unconventional way. He makes war and rules the world in an unconventional way--most likely through economics. Many follow him because of his miracle of returning to life.
He comes from humanity; therefore, he may be human rather than a spirit supplied by Satan. His reign will be short lived, 42 months. Yet for the Jews and the believers, three-and-one-half years will seem an eternity.
Bear in mind that God is in control. He will overcome!
If you have questions or comments, I'm here to help. Leave any communication in the comment section.



PS: A complete study on your freedom through rest can be had from B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us for your free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.


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