Sunday, January 5, 2020

Why Should I Become a Disciple of Jesus

I know I should but sometimes I wait 
There are even times I might hesitate 
Yet for all my sins I come to know 
Jesus comes with me wherever I go 

There's a major difference in being a disciple of Jesus than a believer in him. You can believe in Jesus without being devoted to him as his disciple. 

Because Jesus Values Servant hood 
From the Old Testament you learn the exact term, servant hood. Look at what the Bible says about the subject: 
When a fellow Hebrew falls on hard times, he may go to a brother and ask the brother to pay his debt. If the brother agrees, then the follow Hebrew shall become a servant to his brother. He shall serve his brother as a slave for the remainder of the seven years. 
At the end of every seven years, all Hebrew servants are allowed to go free, and his brother to whom he has worked for the past years shall give to him generously. The gift will help the Hebrew servant get a new start. 
Remember that Jacob worked seven years for Leah and seven years for Rachael. Afterwards, he went out a rich man. God blessed him with an abundance (Genesis 29 – 31). 
At the end of the next seven-year cycle, the Hebrew servant can leave his master’s house. However, if the Hebrew servant decides he would rather live with his master rather than go free, he will tell his master. 
The master will take him to the tent of meeting, pierce his ear with an awl, and the Hebrew brother will become an indentured servant for life (Exodus 21:2-6). 
For you to become an indentured servant for life to Jesus, you must, as with the Hebrew brother above, tell Jesus that you want to become His servant for life. 
In essence you allow your ear to be spiritually pierced. You tear your heart not your garments. You voluntarily join Jesus’ followers as a slave. I know, the idea of servant hood goes against everything you have been taught as an American. 
Understand, Jesus’ kingdom can never be a democracy. He wants to be your King. However, he will only become your King if you volunteer to become His servant! 
Jesus is a gentleman. He will never force His ways and ministerial ideas on you. You agree to allow Him to work through your giftedness and personality while you rest. 
There is food and more as a servant in God’s house. All you need do is fall before Jesus and say, “I’m yours! Can I yoke up with you?” He will take you to levels of maturity you can never on your own achieve! 
Spiritual servant hood works nearly the same as did the physical servant hood described above from Exodus. Having a despot as a ruler makes really good sense. Especially when the despot if Jesus. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, Jesus directs every aspect of your life, but only after you give him permission. 
It takes your permission to allow Jesus to rule. Remember the scripture from Revelation 3”10, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. . .” Jesus knocks. He wants more than anything to direct your life. However, will you open the door? He only enters at your request. 
You choose! Do you give him free reign, or do you continue to direct your own life? How has directing your life worked for you so far? Most of us screw up our lives whenever we decide to run them by ourselves. 
The author attempted to do ministry on his own. His attitude was, “Hide in the bushes and watch. I can do this well on my own.” 
When his ministry went nowhere, the author finally said, That’s it. I quit. I told you up front that I couldn’t do this.”  
The Holy Spirit said, “Good! Now we can get somewhere.” 
In order for you to become a servant of Jesus, you must surrender to Him. He wants full custody not simply weekend visits. So, give in and allow Him to run your life. You’ll experience the greatest peace of all. 

Out of Hell into Heaven 
When you really consider your initial relationship with Jesus, you joined because you needed fire insurance. You wanted to be out of hell and into heaven. 
After you have been going to church for a bit, someone may ask you to do some service job, I.e. serve on a committee, host a small group, join a small group, be on a committee or some other task that makes a church run. 
Through these positions you begin to find areas of ministry that you like and are proficient at handling. Some church tasks align with your giftedness and personality. You are learning what your gift(s) is.  
It is possible to move into a gifted area without realizing you have the gift. The Holy Spirit begins using you. Often, He places you into areas of ministry that you like. You know, “This is the place I want to be!” 
At this point you begin to think, I enjoy this ministry! The ministry is why I’m here. This is more important than out of hell into heaven. 
  • Working in your gifted area 
  • Using your gifts and talents 
  • Loving your ministry 
  • Maturing in faith 
  • Learning the truth in His word 
  • Blessings upon blessings 
  • A sense of need 
  • Knowing rather than thinking 
  • Faith and trust 

  • All these spiritual life elements add to your abundant life in Jesus. When you allow the Holy  Spirit to lead, you become yoked to Jesus. Allowing the Holy Spirit to direct your ministry brings fulfillment, joy and peace. 
You know you are in the right place!
All these spiritual life elements add to your abundant life in Jesus. When you allow the Holy Spirit to lead, you become yoked to Jesus. Allowing the Holy Spirit to direct your ministry brings fulfillment, joy and peace. 
You know you are in the right place!



PS: A complete study on your freedom through rest can be had from B. C. Ministries, Inc. Email us if you'd like a free copy.

PSS: Our first novel, The Red-Haired Master Shepherd, has been published. The novel is fiction about a little known Biblical character who meets Jesus. Check it out 
here. Or you can email us for your copy.

Who You Are Isn't Based on Performance with God. Who You Are Should Have A Direct Bearing on How You Perform.

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